
Indigenous Law Portal

Large open-access collection of links to documents and websites concerning indigenous law, provided by LLMC Digital. Originally developed by the Law Library of Congress, the portal has sections covering the United States, Canada, Mexico and the circumpolar Arctic, and there are plans to extend its coverage to South America. Includes general websites, such as the Tribal Court Clearing House in the US and the Assembly of First Nations in Canada, as well as websites of individual tribes and NGOs and sites dealing with particular subjects (land tenure, environmental law and so on).

Canada Treaty Information

Official website published by Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, to explain the treaty-making process and policy in Canada, with definitions of treaties and details of how treaties are published. There is also an introduction to the work of the Treaty Law Division of Canada. A list of Canadian treaties is presented, which can be searched and displayed by treaty type (bilateral, multilateral, and plurilateral) or by text words or subject matter. The entry for each treaty indicates the place and date of signature, the date of entry into force, parties, and subject matter.

Société Québécoise d'Information Juridique

The Société Québécoise d'Information Juridique, SOQUIJ, produces a range of priced publications and products aimed at law schools and the legal profession. But its website also includes content freely available to everyone, “services aux citoyens” and “ressources pour tous”. Court decisions from the Cour du Québec and from other Quebec courts and tribunals are online, as well as decisions of the Supreme Court of Canada and federal courts. Decisions date from 2000 mainly, and are mostly in French with some decisions translated into English.

Parliament of Canada

The website of the Parliament of Canada provides information about the work, organisation and history of the Canadian Senate, House of Commons and parliamentary committees. Details of current legislation and the work of previous sessions are given. Debates and committee minutes are available from 1996 onwards and bills or acts from 1994 onwards . Other official publications on the site include committee reports and minutes of committee proceedings. There is a directory of current Members of both Houses. The About Parliament section includes historical and procedural information.

Web links: Canada

Set of links to Canadian law websites, compiled by the Law Library at Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Toronto. Covers research guides and gateways; legislative materials and treaties; courts and caselaw; government; news; law schools and libraries; law societies and organizations; law firm directories; publishers; and blogs.

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