
Institute for Transnational Arbitration

Website of the Institute for Transnational Arbitration, a US based educational forum seeking to promote the development of the legal knowledge and skills required in the field of trans-national arbitration. Membership of the Institute is open to legal professionals from law firms, corporations and related academia and it is governed by an academic council, full details of which are listed on the site.

International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution

Website of the International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution (CPR), a US based organisation founded to advocate the use of alternative dispute resolution in mainstream law firm practice. The organisation's membership consists of global corporations, law firms, legal academics and related public institutions and it is responsible for an ongoing programme of research, development and education to promote ADR. The site provides further information about the history, mission and membership of the Institute, alongside news of current activities and contact details.

Drafting Dispute Resolution Clauses : a practical guide

Guide to drafting alternative dispute resolution (ADR) clauses published on the website of the American Arbitration Association (AAA), a non profit organisation dedicated to developing and promoting ADR methods and approaches. This guide aims to steer the user through the drafting process step-by-step. It provides a checklist for the drafter, a discussion of the key features of arbitration, clauses approved by the AAA, and other provisions that might be considered. The guide concludes with a brief list of suggestions for further reading. It is available in PDF format.

Court of Arbitration for Sport

Website of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) [also known as Tribunal Arbitral du Sport (TAS)], an independent institution originally established by the International Olympic Committee. The Court hears cases on sports law topics such as nationality, adjudication, sponsorship, and doping. The website provides all non-confidential decisions of the Court, together with the CAS code and statutes. Information is available on the mission and structure of CAS, arbitration and related matters. The site is available in English and French.

London Maritime Arbitrators Association

Contained on the site is information about the London Maritime Arbitrators Association (LMAA), including the LMAA terms (2006); small claims procedures; FALCA (fast and low cost arbitration) terms and notes; the Arbitration Act 2006; Mediation terms; details on becoming a member of the Association and directory of members. The site also has summaries of awards; information about forthcoming events and links to related sites.

Arbitral Women

Website of Arbitral Women, a membership organisation for women working in arbitration and alternative dispute resolution. Members are based in over 30 countries. Contact details and profiles of members are available in an online directory which can be searched or browsed. The "Find a Practitioner" facility enables users to search for members using more detailed criteria including practice area, type of practitioner, country of residence, language etc.

Association for International Arbitration

Website of the Association for International Arbitration (AIA) an organisation concerned with the promotion of arbitration as a form alternative dispute resolution. The site gives details of past and future events organised by the AIA along with the Associationãs publications. There is a directory of members which can be searched or browsed by profession including academics, arbitrators, mediators and counsellors.

Indian Institute of Arbitration and Mediation

The Indian Institute of Arbitration and Mediation (IIAM) is a not-for-profit organisation providing alternative dispute resolution services, including negotiation, mediation, conciliation, arbitration and settlement conferences. Its website has information on the different services and the way they work in India, with suggested clauses and downloadable forms. Details are given of the Advisory Board and the Governing Body, along with information on IIAM's training courses and events. 

Industrial Arbitration Court

Website of the Industrial Arbitration Court of Singapore. Provides historical background information about the court and makes available its annual reports. There are details of the court's procedures, covering arbitration, certification of collective agreements and variation of collective agreements. The Resources section includes forms, a collective agreement checklist, a sample collective agreement, a list of forthcoming hearings, links to the Singapore Industrial Relations Act and Employment Act, and a database of awards from 2000 onwards.

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