
American Arbitration Association

Founded in 1926 as a not-for-profit, public service organization, the American Arbitration Association is dedicated to the resolution of disputes through the use of mediation, arbitration, negotiation, elections and other voluntary dispute resolution methodologies. This site gives information about the Association, its activities, members and information about ADR. There are forms to download and an online library of guides, FAQs and reports on ADR and its use in different sectors including construction, insurance, employment and state based dispute resolution.

Asian African Legal Consultative Organisation

The Asian African Legal Consultative Organisation (AALCO) is an advisory body on international law and a legal forum for African and Asian states. Based in India, it was established in 1956 under the name Asian Legal Consultative Committee. The website describes the constitution, aims and work of the Organisation. AALCO publications are available, including reports of its meetings, the AALCO Quarterly Bulletin and a number of essays on international law.

Vilnius Court of Commercial Arbitration

The Vilnius Court of Commercial Arbitration provides a permanent arbitration institution hearing national and international commercial disputes in Lithuania. It is an amalgamation of two Lithuanian arbitration institutions- the Arbitration Court at the Association International Chamber of Commerce Lithuania and the Vilnius International Commercial Arbitration. The site is available in Lithuanian, Russian and English and includes a copy of the Law on Commercial Arbitration of the Republic of Lithuania and various news items.

Society of Maritime Arbitrators

Website of the Society of Maritime Arbitrators (SMA) an organisation based in the United States whose aim is to promote alternate dispute resolution (ADR) in the maritime industry. The site provides access to SMA rules, profiles of members and its code of ethics. There is a copy of the United States Federal Arbitration Act and a guide to maritime arbitration in New York. The SMA's newsletter is made available in full-text online in HTML or PDF format. This contains legal news and summaries of recent decisions and awards.

A selective guide to online international arbitration resources

Online guide to arbitration organisations and databases written by Gloria Miccioli who is International Librarian at law firm Jones Day in the United States. The guide was published on the features page of in June 2004. There is background information to the arbitration process, guidance to carrying out arbitration research and finding arbitral awards.

Arbitration Chambers

The Arbitration Chambers is a Singapore-based mediation and arbitration company. Its website provides model arbitration clauses and arbitration laws for China, Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia (translated into English). It also provides links to other Asian and international arbitration organisations.

Atkinson Law

Website of Atkinson Law a company providing information on construction law and dispute resolution services including arbitration, adjudication and mediation. As well as giving details of the services the company provides there is a database of case digests relating to the Housing Grants Construction and Regeneration Act 1996 and a collection of in-house articles dealing with construction law, adjudication and mediation. The site also provides a comprehensive collection of links relating to construction law.

World Intellectual Property Organization: Database of WIPO Cases and WIPO Panel Decisions

A free database of internet domain name dispute cases, provided by the World Intellectual Property Organization's Arbitration and Mediation Center in Geneva. The Center offers alternative dispute resolution services in international commercial disputes between private parties. All the domain name cases back to 1999 are available in the database, searchable by domain name, key word, party names or case number. The full text of the decisions is available. The site also provides indexes of decisions by domain name category and by legal point, together with lists of the most-cited cases.

Scottish Council for International Arbitration

Web pages for an independent body promoting international arbitration and alternative dispute resolution facilities in Scotland. The site describes services for disputants with outline information on the Scottish legal system and tradition, emphasising Scotland's suitability as a venue for servicing and hearing disputes. A set of papers describing the handling of arbitration in Scotland, including a synopsis of the Scottish Arbitration Code 1999; Scotland and the UNCITRAL model law; and How the Scottish Courts Support the Arbitration Process are provided on the site in Word format.

Resolution Institute

Website of the Resolution Institute, an organisation formed following a merger between the Australian Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators (IAMA) and the Leading Edge Alternative Dispute Resolvers (LEADR). The Resolution Institute is a non profit membership organisation promoting arbitration and facilitating the sharing of knowledge about alternative dispute settlement throughout associated professions and industries. The site provides membership information including training, qualifications, events etc.

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