United States

American College of Trial Lawyers

Website of the American College of Trial Lawyers a membership organisation of trial lawyers in the United States and Canada "dedicated to maintaining and improving the standards of trial practice, the administration of justice and the ethics of the profession." The site gives details of committees and their chairs, information about events and a searchable directory of attorneys. A number of full text publications are made freely available on the site including reports covering topics such as judicial compensation, cameras in the courtroom, judicial independence and mass torts.

Justice Project

Website of The Justice Project (TJP), a Washington-based independent campaigning organisation which seeks to foster fairness and accuracy in criminal cases. The Project's work is focused on reform of the death penalty. The site has information on the staff and work of the TJP. Current activities are focused on areas of the criminal justice system where mistakes could be eliminated.

Disability Studies Resources Guide: Disability Rights & Policy

Resource guide for disability rights and policy on the website of Syracuse University. The guide is arranged into broad sections providing access to policy websites, United Nations documents and United States organisations and government bodies. Direct links are given to the Americans with Disabilities Act 1990 and to related disabilities laws and regulations.

Legal Blawg Archive

The Legal Blawg Archive is compiled by the Law Library of Congress and made freely available on its website. The collection was started in 2007 and "is part of a continuing effort by the Library of Congress to evaluate, select, collect, catalog, provide access to, and preserve digital materials for future generations of researchers". The archive contains selected legal blogs, from law schools, research institutes and think tanks, covering a broad cross section of topics including antitrust, civil procedure, family law, courts, legal ethics, intellectual property and taxation.


Website of eLawExchange a United States based web resource produced by Michael Arkfeld who is author of the treatise Arkfeld on Electronic Discovery and Evidence. The site is aimed at the elaw community and is concerned with the discovery of electronic information. The site includes a searchable database of e-discovery case law and rules from all US states, links to litigation related websites and a directory of individuals and companies that provide e-discovery services and consulting.

Lincoln and the Law

Online guide providing access to legal materials relating to Abraham Lincoln and his involvement with the law. The guide is made freely available by the Law Library of Congress as one of their series of Current Legal Topics. The first section covers his role as an Illinois lawyer and includes digitised versions of books about Abraham Lincoln, lectures and minutes of meetings of the Law Association of Philadelphia.

A compilation of state lawyer licensing databases

Online guide to state lawyer licensing databases compiled by Andrew Zimmerman who is Director of Library Services at Gordon, Feinblatt, Rothman, Hoffberger & Hollander LLC in Baltimore, Maryland and Trevor Rosen who is Librarian at Shapiro Sher Guinot & Sandler in Baltimore, Maryland. These databases can be used to check whether an individual United States lawyer is licensed to practice in a particular state. Most databases are provided by either the state bar association, the state's court system, disciplinary agency, bar examiners or licensing agency.

Journal of Legal Analysis

The Journal of Legal Analysis (JLA) is published by Oxford University Press on behlaf of Harvard Law School.  This peer reviewed journal aims to publish the "best legal scholarship from all disciplinary perspectives and in all styles, whether verbal, formal, or empirical". The site has information about the JLA including details of the Editorial Board. Articles are made freely available in full text and can be downloaded in HTML and PDF. Recent topics covered include judicial salaries, equality in criminal law and class action settlements.

Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System

Website of the Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System (IAALS) a national research body based at the University of Denver. IAALS research is focused on the US civil justice system covering the following areas: civil justice reform; civil case management; judicial selection; judicial performance evaluation; judicial independence and domestic relations. IAALS reports are made freely available on the site to download in full text. However free registration is required before users can download the publications.

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