United States

Wyoming Statutes

Statutes and Constitution of the State of Wyoming, USA, on the website of the State Legislature. The site also includes the resolutions and memorials passed from 1961 onwards, arranged chronologically or by subject.

United States Code

The website of the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the US House of Representatives provides access to the full text of the US Federal Code. The Code is a consolidation and codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States. Titles 1 to 15 of the Code are based on the 2006 edition (laws enacted through the 109th Congress ending January 3, 2007). Titles 16 to 50, the Appendix, Tables I-VI, and the Table of Popular Names are based on Supplement V of the 2000 edition (January 2, 2006) of the Code.

American Civil Liberties Union

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) campaigns, litigates and informs the general public about the current state of civil and political rights in the United States. Its areas of concern include freedom of speech, religious liberty, safeguarding gay and homosexual rights, preventing racial and sexual discrimination, prison reform and issues relating to the death sentence and the abolition of capital punishment. Links are given to relevant cases, news stories, legal documents and blog posts.

Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law

Web pages for the Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law, published three times a year from 1992 onwards, and edited by students at the Washington College of Law. The journal publishes articles addressing social and political equality under the law, and aims to attract those interested in gender issues and feminist legal studies. The website provides tables of contents from 1992, together with the first few pages of articles from Volume 7 (1998-99) onwards. Subscriptions can be purchased from William S. Hein and Co. Full text is available through LEXIS and Westlaw.

Duke Journal of Gender Law and Policy

The Duke Journal of Gender Law and Policy is produced by students at Duke University School of Law, aided by a board of faculty advisors. The print journal began publication in 1994 and is published annually. The journal is an interdisciplinary publication devoted to discussion of gender issues in the context of law and public policy. Articles are solicited from practitioners, academics and Duke graduate students. The website includes articles from volume 4 (1997) onwards.

Columbia Journal of Gender and Law

The Columbia Journal of Gender and Law has been published since 1991 by students at Columbia University School of Law. The biannual Journal has an interdisciplinary approach to national and international gender-related issues, relevant to people of different colour, class, sexual orientation, and culture. The aim is to advance feminist scholarship and to interest students, practitioners and academics. The website provides tables of contents and abstracts of most articles from volume 1 (1991) onwards.

Harvard Journal of Law and Gender

The Harvard Journal of Law and Gender began in 1978 and is published twice a year by Harvard Law School students. The journal is devoted to developing and advancing feminist jurisprudence, and to combining legal analysis with political, economic, historical and sociological perspectives. The journal contains articles, notes and book reviews. The website provides articles from Spring 2003 onwards.

Entertainment and Sports Lawyer

This is the website for Entertainment and Sports Lawyer, published quarterly by the Forum on the Entertainment and Sports Industries of the American Bar Association. The Entertainment and Sports Lawyer is directed at lawyers who devote a major portion of their practice to entertainment, sports, arts, intellectual property law, and other related areas. It endeavours to provide current, practical information as well as public policy and scholarly viewpoints that it believes to be of professional and academic interest to Forum members and other readers.

Construction Law Review

Construction Law Review is an occasional online review of legal developments of interest to the construction industry based in the USA, edited by the Construction Practice Group of Pepper Hamilton LLP, US attorneys in law. The review offers comment on current issues in the field with close reference to US federal and state legislation and caselaw. Recent issues can be viewed by month of publication or by topic, beginning with September 1995. The site also provides background information about the Group and its work.

Journal of Law and Economics

Website for the Journal of Law and Economics (ISSN 0022-2186) published twice a year by the University of Chicago. The journal was established in 1958, and aims to explore the complex relationships between law and economics, focusing on the influence of regulation and legal institutions on the operation of economic systems. Although topically varied, articles are most often concerned with how markets behave and with the actual effects of governmental institutions on markets, providing a basis for an informed discussion of public policy.

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