South Africa

Southern Africa Litigation Centre

The Southern Africa Litigation Centre began as  a joint initiative between the International Bar Association (IBA) and the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA). It works to foster human rights, democracy, the rule of law and access to justice in the region by means of advocacy, litigation, training and capacity building. The Centre's website has information about its cases, together with reports, briefings, statements, articles and news. The content can be browsed by topic or by country. 

Werksmans Attorneys

Werksmans is a South African corporate and commercial law firm. Their website provides information about the firm and its practice areas, together with legal updates, podcasts and videos. Webinar-based training courses for lawyers are also available, for a fee. 


LegalB, run by Advocate Rita Felgate, audits South African legislation against rule of law principles. The Resources section of its website provides a collection of South African legislation and an overview of the sources of South African legislation from 1652 to 1994. The site also has a blog focusing on rule of law standards.

Lawyers for Human Rights

Website of Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR), a non-governmental organisation working to promote and strengthen human rights in South Africa. The site provides background information on the LHR and details of its work, which focuses on areas including penal reform; the rights of refugees, migrants and stateless people; land and housing; environmental rights; and gender equality. HLR research reports and other publications are available on the site, together with campaign information and news items.

General Council of the Bar of South Africa

Website of the General Council of the Bar of South Africa (GCBSA), the professional organisation for advocates in South Africa. Includes an overview of the South African legal system and information about careers and training. The 'Legal Practice Act' page provides a compilation of documents such as bar examination syllabuses and a proposal for practical vocational training.The Rules of Professional Ethics are also available, and there is a page of information about judicial nominees.

Corporate Counsel Association of South Africa

The Corporate Counsel Association of South Africa  (CCASA), formerly the Corporate Lawyers Association of South Africa, is a non-profit organisation formed in 1982 to promote the interests of company (in-house) lawyers. Its website provides background information about the role of the corporate lawyer. The CCASA code of ethics, disciplinary code and various policies are available on the site, along with details of events and courses held by the association. A selection of articles and other content is available to members.

African Law Reporter

African Law Reporter (also known as JurisAfrica) was founded by Mr. Justice Francis M. Ssekandi, a former Justice of Appeal in Uganda. It currently provides a small selection of African legal materials, including judgments, constitutions, statutes, articles and news items. Links are provided to websites with related content.

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