South Africa

Constitutional Court of South Africa

Official website of the Constitutional Court of South Africa. It provides information on the history of the Court and the Constitution, together with the text of the Constitution itself in English and the other official languages of South Africa. There is a database of Constitutional Court judgments, orders, heads of argument, pleadings and other documents.The site also has information on human rights in South Africa, including a copy of the Bill of Rights. The library section of the site includes an online catalogue and links to other South African and international legal sites.

Advertising Standards Authority of South Africa

The website of the Advertising Standards Authority of South Africa (ASA) is an online information resource giving information about the ASA's role and practice within South Africa's marketing communications industry. Set up to provide a system of self-regulation, the ASA seeks to uphold its Code of Practice and mediate between the industry and its consumers. The ASA's Code of Advertising Practice is available in full-text on the site. A summary of the Code aimed at the consumer is also provided. There is a section on complaint procedures, as well as recent rulings.

Constitution of South Africa

Full-text online version of the South African Constitution made freely available in English on the South African Government Information website. The Constitution was adopted in 1996 and covers co-operative government, parliament, the President and National Executive, the provinces, local government, the courts and administration of justice, public administration, security services and a Bill of Rights. The site includes amendments to the Constitution and links to earlier versions of the Constitution.

Legal Resources Centre

The Legal Resources Centre (LRC) in South Africa is an independent, non-profit law centre which was established in 1979. The LRC provides legal services to the "poor, homeless, and landless people and communities of South Africa who suffer discrimination by reason of race, class, gender, disability or by reason of social, economic, and historical circumstances." The website gives information about the work of the LRC including full-text copies of their annual reports and a selection of academic papers.

Open Democracy Advice Centre

Website of the Open Democracy Advice Centre (ODAC) a joint initiative between the Institute for Democracy in South Africa (IDASA), the Black Sash Trust and the University of Cape Town Law Department. ODAC's aim is to promote freedom of information and government accountability, support whistleblowers and provide training and advice on the Protected Disclosures Act and the Promotion of Access to Information Act. The website provides full-text copies of the acts (in HTML) along with the regulations, forms and user guides.

Law Society of South Africa

Website of the Law Society of South Africa (LSSA) the professional body representing lawyers in South Africa. The site includes contact details of constituent and council members, a calendar of events, an online copy of the Society's Constitution and information about the work of various committees and departments of the LSSA. There are links to legal news stories and to a searchable directory of lawyers. There is also a link to the Law Society's journal, De Rebus and to other South African related legal resources.


Legalbrief is an online news service provided by South African legal publisher Juta Law. The Legalbrief service is comprised of a range of newsletters with stories taken from a range of South African and international news sources. There are newsletters focusing on Africa, forensic law, environmental law, cyber law and South African legal judgements. This is essentially a subscription service but many news stories and some judgements are made freely available on the site.

Researching South African law

Online guide to researching South African law written by Amanda Barratt and Pamela Snyman who are law librarians at the University of Cape Town Law Library. The guide has been updated by Redson Kapindu who is a Lecturer in Law at the University of Johannesburg. The guide was published in 2005 and updated in 2018 on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The authors give background and historical information to the structure of the state including the Constitution, Parliament and judicial system.

Constitutional Court of South Africa Decisions

A Southern African Legal Information Institute (SAFLII) database containing decisions of the Constitutional Court of South Africa from 1995 onwards. Decisions are listed alphabetically by party name and chronologically by year, and the site offers a sophisticated search engine. The database includes materials provided by the Constitutional Court of South Africa and the Wits Law School. SAFLII is a collaborative legal information system, providing free South African legal information.

Judicial Officers Association of South Africa

Website of the Judicial Officers Association of South Africa (JOASA) the organisation representing members of the judiciary in South Africa. The site provides outline information on the organisation including contact details for officials and copies of reports produced by the various JOASA committees. Full text copies of JOASAãs journal and newsletters are made freely available on the site in HTML. Links to South African courts and sites providing online legislation are also given.

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