
Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society

Website of the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society, which is based at Harvard Law School. The Center researches the development of the internet and its norms and standards and has created a global network bringing together students, academics, practitioners, and members of the public. The site provides information about the Center's research, events and engagement programmes.

LXBN: the LexBlog Network

The LXBN website brings together recent posts from a large number of legal blogs, arranged by area of law, from Administrative to Technology. The site also acts as a portal to each individual blog. Probably the majority of the blogs are US-based, but some are based elsewhere and/or have a global focus. The site is searchable or browseable, and popular posts are highlighted on the home page. LXBN was set up by Kevin O'Keefe of LexBlogs, a US company that builds and supports blogs for lawyers.

Justice Education Society

The Justice Education Society (JES) of British Columbia, Canada, conducts research, develops digital tools, gives training and provides information with the aim of strengthening justice systems and improving access to justice around the world. The JES website has information about the Society and its ongoing and completed projects.

Centre for Comparative and Public Law

The Centre for Comparative and Public Law, based at the University of Hong Kong, conducts research in the fields of comparative and public law. Its website provides details of conferences, lectures and training courses held by the Centre and makes available its occasional papers, conference papers and other publications. There is also information about the Centre's research projects.

International Rule of Law Directory

Global directory of organisations working to support the rule of law, compiled by the International Bar Association (IBA). Ten areas of activity are covered: administration of justice; alternative dispute resolution; assisting lawyers and human rights defenders; assisting law schools and universities; legal protection of human rights; assisting police and prison workers; assisting refugees and asylum seekers; financial assistance to uphold the rule of law; promoting law reform; and research. The Directory can be searched or browsed.


The VOTA database is produced by the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) and managed in cooperation with the Mexican Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judiciary (TEPJF). VOTA contains national electoral legislation of Council of Europe member states, covering topics such as universal suffrage, political parties, electoral systems, referendums, voter registration, frequency of elections and polling stations. Materials provided include laws, constitutions and opinions.


Lexology is a subscription legal research service run by Law Business Research Ltd. The website contains articles, research reports and training videos produced by law firms, covering market intelligence, legal analysis and know-how from jurisdictions all around the world. Free registration provides access to legal news and a worldwide directory of legal experts.

Foundation for Law, Justice and Society

Website of the Foundation for Law, Justice and Society, an independent non-profit research centre affiliated with the University of Oxford. The principal aim of the Foundation is to research the role of law in international, regional, and national affairs. The site gives details of events and information about projects and programmes at the Foundation. Materials associated with each project are provided, including bibliographies, policy briefs, podcasts, reports and lectures.

Computerisation of Law Resources

An AustLII database containing almost 150 journal articles, reports and conference papers on the computerisation of legal resources and legal tasks. Subjects covered include legal inferencing systems, retrieval systems, litigation support systems, computerised legal research techniques, standards for legal information, and public policy on access to law. There is also a collection of publications about AustLII. The database can be browsed alphabetically by author or searched by keyword; materials provided date from 1993 to 2020.


Gobal database of treaties, laws and regulations concerning food, agriculture and renewable natural resources, provided by the UN's Food and Agriculture OrganizatioN (FAO). Includes bibliographic information, abstracts and links to full-text documents. The site is in English, Arabic, French or Spanish and the data is in either the same languages or in the original language of the document.

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