
Doing business: law library

Gateway to business laws and regulations from all over the world, compiled by the World Bank’s Doing Business project. Gives links to official sources as far as possible, and many of the texts are in English translation. Can be browsed by country or region. The areas of law covered are: banking, bankruptcy, civil codes, civil procedure, commercial and company law, constitutional law, employment law, land and building law, privacy, securities, tax and trade.

Armenian Bar Association

Website of the Armenian Bar Association, a membership organisation for American legal professionals with Armenian heritage. The site has information about important US and ECHR cases relating to Armenia, plus related articles and news. It also provides details of scholarships awarded by the Association. There is a list of links to relevant sites as well as a list of committees and members of the board of directors. The quarterly newsletter is available to download as PDF. Past and future event advertisements are also shown.

Cyberspace Law

Online guide to cyberspace law made freely available on the Legalmatch website. Legalmatch is a US based lawyer directory. The guide has annotated links to articles, reports, bibliographies, news sites and other guides to internet law. The links are organised under the following headings: commerce; cyber-crime; freedom of expression; privacy and intellectual property. The emphasis is on United States law throughout.

South Sudan law guide

An annotated research guide to South Sudan government and law internet sources compiled by the US Law Library of Congress and made freely available on the web. The guide is aimed at legal researchers with the emphasis on websites providing the full-text of laws, regulations and court decisions. Areas covered by the guide include the constitution, the executive, legislation, legal guides and general sources including background, economic and country information.

Pre-trial, detention, bail and due process

Online guide providing access to sources of information relating to the administration of bail and due process in the United States. The guide was written by Ken Strutin, who is Director of Legal Information Services at the New York State Defenders Association, and was published in July 2011 on Summaries and links to legal articles, cases, standards, reports and studies are given covering the Constitution, the Bail Reforrn Act 1984, pre-trial detention, pre-trial release and human rights issues.

Overview of the Cambodian history, governance and legal sources

Online guide to the law and legal system of Cambodia written by Jennifer Holligan who is a Legal Associate for Access to Justice Asia and Tarik Abdulhak who is a Senior Assistant Prosecutor at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia. The guide was published in 2011 (and updated in 2019 by Victoria Amann-Lasnier and Nicole Fleury) on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The authors give an introduction providing historical background to Cambodia.

Rethinking Music: a briefing book

This publication by the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University consists of papers presented at the Rethink Music Conference in April 2011. The book is on music law and policy, focusing on changes to the music industry brought about by the shift to online music consumption. There are papers dealing with cloud-based music services, music rights clearances and public media and voluntary payment models.

United Nations legal publications

This UN website brings together the key UN legal publications and provides a search facility covering all of them. The following publications are available: Yearbook of the International Law Commission; United Nations Juridical Yearbook; Reports of International Arbitral Awards; Proceedings of Diplomatic Conferences; UNCITRAL Yearbook; UNCITRAL publications; Repertory of Practice of United Nations Organs; Repertoire of Practice of the Security Council; and Summaries of Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders of the International Court of Justice.

Age of innocence: actual, legal and presumed

Online article providing background information and links to legal articles and symposia looking at the concept of innocence in United States law and how it is applied. The article was written by Ken Strutin, who is Director of Legal Information Services at the New York State Defenders Association, and was published in May 2011 on Substantial abstracts are provided for the featured articles and most have links to the full text.

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