

Law blog (or 'blawg') finder, provided by Justia Legal Resources. The site indexes US blogs primarily, but there is some coverage of other jurisdictions. The home page lists the most popular blogs and most recent posts. Users may browse by area of law, US state or country and there is also a search facility. A resources page includes information about blogging software and hosting. 

Guide to Foreign and International Legal Citation

The Guide to Foreign and International Legal Citation is produced by New York University's Journal of International Law and Politics. The first edition (2006) is freely available on the NYU website. It includes chapters covering around 45 different countries, for each of which it gives an introduction to the legal system followed by a citation guide covering the constitution, legislation, jurisprudence, books, periodical articles, newspapers and weekly journals, official publications, unpublished materials, electronic materials and unwritten sources.

Researching Kenyan Law

Resource guide on Kenyan law written by Prof. Tom Ojienda of the University of South Africa, Leonard Obura Aloo and others.  Last updated in 2020, the guide is available on New York University's Globalex website. Background and historical information on Kenya are given along with a detailed outline of the legal system, covering the Government, the structure and jurisdiction of the courts and sources of Kenyan law.

Sierra Leone legal system and legal research

Guide to the legal system of Sierra Leone by Hanatu Kabbah, Director of the Centre for Human Rights and Development (CHRD) in Sierra Leone. Published on New York University's Globalex website and updated in 2023, it gives an overview of the legislature, executive and judiciary, along with information about the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, the High Court and the Magistrates' Courts. It covers the sources of law in Sierra Leone, including the Constitution, common law, statutory law and customary law.

Swiss legal system and research

Online guide to the Swiss legal system by lawyer Gregory M. Bovey, updated by Martin Molina and Sandro Stich. The guide is available on New York University's Globalex website. The authors cover the political system of Switzerland, dealing with the federal, cantonal and municipal levels of government and providing links to the Constitution and official websites. There is information on how laws are made, with links to federal and cantonal legislation.

Guide to the Tanzanian legal system and legal research

Online guide to the legal system of Tanzania by lawyer Bahame Tom Nyanduga, updated by Christabel Manning and Seka Kasera. Published on New York University's Globalex website, it provides an outline of the legal system, covering the Constitution, statutes, case law, international law and other sources of Tanzanian law. The government and court structures are explained and there is guidance on obtaining Tanzanian legal materials, including online resources. There are also sections on the legal profession and legal education and on the judicial system in Zanzibar

Digital Law Online

Digital Law Online was established by Professor Lee A. Hollaar of the School of Computing at the University of Utah and was last updated in 2016. It contains an online version of Professor Hollaar's 2002 book, "Legal Protection of Digital Information." The book deals with copyright and patent law, including protection of software and other digital works; the emphasis is on US law. Links are given to all cases, statutes and congressional reports referred to in the text. The book is updated on the site and supplementary information is provided.

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