
NOAA's National Ocean Service

The National Ocean Service (NOS) is a US government agency working to observe, understand and manage the coastal and marine environment of the United States. The site includes links to news and events, publications and products (some in PDF format), with links to other US government bodies, geodetic data, and environmental programs and education. The site also includes a search engine and links to NOS sites such as the Office of Response and Restoration, responding to oil and hazardous materials spills, and the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management (OCRM).

Federal Maritime Commission

Established in 1961, the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) is "an independent regulatory agency responsible for the regulation of oceanborne transportation in the foreign commerce of the U.S." The site contains: full text of relevant legislation; details of Commission bureaux and offices; Commission rules; and speeches and news releases from 1997 onwards; as well as more specific information relevant to specific regulated entities.

Avalon Project: the United Nations Documents

A set of documents concerning the foundation of the United Nations and its several divisions, provided online by the Avalon Project at Yale Law School. Includes the UN Charter and other charters and statutes relating to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation; the International Courts of Justice; the World Health Organisation; the International Refugee Organisation, the World Meteorological Organisation; and the International Maritime Convention Organisation.

Avalon Project : Agreement Between the United States and Cuba for the Lease of Lands for Coaling and Naval stations; February 23, 1903

This document has been made available by the Avalon Project at Yale Law School. It is a lease agreement between the United States of and the Republic of Cuba, subject to terms to be agreed at a later date. "For the time required" Cuba agrees to lease land for coaling and naval stations to the USA within specified areas: Guantanamo, Bahia Honda, and the peninsula of Cerro del Morillo and Punta del Carenero. The US also has rights to use and occupy the adjacent waters. The document was signed on 16th February 1903.

Center for Transnational Litigation and Commercial Law

The Center for Transnational Litigation and Commercial Law is a centre of the New York University School of Law established to "advance the study and practice of international business transactions and the way to solve related disputes either through litigation or arbitration". The site has profiles of faculty and staff and details of courses and events hosted by the Center. Publications of the Center cover the following topics: private international law, international commercial law, international commercial arbitration and transnational civil litigation.

International Council for Commercial Arbitration

Website of the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA), an international NGO concerned with the promotion of arbitration, conciliation and other methods of resolving international commercial disputes. The ICCA contributes to preparation of the Arbitration Rules of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, the UNCITRAL Conciliation Rules, and the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration. The main publication of the ICCA is the Yearbook Commercial Arbitration; contents lists and indexes from the Yearbook are available on the website.

Law Reports of Trials of War Criminals

This Library of Congress web page provides access to the 15 volume collection of the Law Reports of Trials of War Criminals selected and prepared by the United Nations War Crimes Commission. The trials took place between 1947 and 1949. This collection has representative cases featuring lower-ranking military officers and concentration camp administrators who were tried for war crimes and does not include the trials of most prominent Japanese and Nazi leaders that took place in Nuremberg and Tokyo.

Fedflix: free film from US government

FedFlix, available from the Internet Archive, was a collaboration between the US National Technical Information Service and Public.Resource.Org. It provides free access to films from branches of the American government, including public information films and historic film clips and footage from the National Archives, the Department of War, the United States Forest Service, the Federal Civil Defense Administration and other departments. The site, which was archived in 2008, includes information on sources, copyright and technical details. 

ASIL Insight: Copenhagen Climate Change Accord

This issue of ASIL Insight focuses on the Copenhagen Climate Change Accord. ASIL Insights is a free online newsletter produced by the American Society of International Law. ASIL Insights publishes pieces highlighting developments in international law, aiming to inform decision-makers, the legal profession and the public. The author of this issue is Daniel Bodansky who is the Emily and Ernest Woodruff Professor of International Law at the University of Georgia School of Law.

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