
Law Society: Research Guides

Collection of online legal research guides provided by the Law Society Library and made freely available on its website. The guides look at finding resources such as journal articles, treaties, law reports and legislation; how to research Scottish or Irish law; and how to trace past solicitors and law firms. The guides refer to resources held by the Law Society Library, subscription and free internet resources and details of relevant organisations.

Lawyer Portal

The Lawyer Portal is a free resource provided by The Career Portal, in partnership with the Bar Council and the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives, and aimed at anyone considering a career in law. The site has free guides covering topics of interest to sixth formers, university students and graduates including law apprenticeships, choosing a university course, work experience and pupillage. These are written by professional lawyers and education experts. The site also offers career tips, details of events, free learning materials and teachers’ guides.

German Law Archive

Website of the German Law Archive which publishes cases, statutes, literature and bibliographies on German law in English its aim being to make German law accessible to any interested users. There is a selection of German legislation along with selected judgements of the Constitutional Court, Federal Court of Justice and higher regional courts. An extensive bibliography of titles on German law in English arranged by legal subject is also given on the site.

National Archives Research Guides: Criminals Courts and Prisons

National Archives staff have produced a number of research guides to assist archive users with their research. The guides are organised by subject and this guide focuses on finding historical material relating to the criminal justice system including court records, coroners’ inquests, wills, divorce and war crimes. The individual guides have information on the materials and how they can be searched. They also point to records that are available online.

National Archives Research Guides: Records for Current Legal Purposes

National Archives staff have produced a number of research guides to assist archive users with their research. The guides are organised by subject and this guide focuses on finding records that may be useful for legal purposes including birth, marriage and death certificates, changes of name and British citizenship. The individual guides have information on the materials and how they can be searched. They also point to records that are available online.

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

DOAJ is a gateway to open-access scholarly journals, covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social science, humanities and law. To be included in the directory a journal must be full text, free of charge and must be peer-reviewed or subject to editorial quality-control. Journals and their articles are classified using a Library of Congress tree structure that can be browsed or searched. Around 800 law journals are included.

Circuit Commercial Court

Official website of the Circuit Commercial Court (formerly known as the Mercantile Court) which is a specialist court forming part of the Business and Property Court of the High Court of Justice. The Court handles commercial and business disputes covering issues such as sale of goods, restraint of trade, banking and financial services and disputes over contracts and business documents. Forms, guidance and the daily cause lists are provided on the site along with details of district courts in Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester, Bristol, Cardiff and Mold.

Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales

Official website of the Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales (until 2013 known as the Local Government Boundary Commission for Wales), the body responsible for carrying out reviews and making proposals for changes in local government areas in Wales. The Commission carries out three types of review - boundary reviews, electoral reviews and community reviews - which can be viewed on the site. There is also a consultation portal where it is possible to register to make representations on draft proposals.

Law Society Gazette: Expert Witness Directory

Online directory to expert witnesses in the UK compiled and made freely available online by the Law Society magazine, Law Societies Gazette. The directory can be browsed by subject or searched by subject or name. A wide range of specialisms is covered including accidents, clinical negligence, computers and forensic science. Directory entries include contact details for the expert and information about the areas of expertise covered.

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