
Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission

The Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission is an independent body established by the Northern Ireland Act 1998, as part of the "Good Friday Agreement". The Commission aims to defend and promote the human rights of everyone in Northern Ireland through law, policy and practice measured against international standards. The Commission's website explains its work, describes its statutory powers, lists its membership and publishes press releases and other documents.

Civil Justice Council

The Civil Justice Council is a UK public body which was set up under the Civil Procedure Act 1997 to keep the civil justice system under review, to advise the government and to make research proposals. Its web pages provide information about CJC working parties and make available publications including responses to official consultations, research papers and annual reports.

The Federation Against Software Theft

Website of the Federation Against Software Theft (FAST), an organisation set up to protect the intellectual property of software publishers through parliamentary lobbying, education and raising awareness amongst users. The site offers a summary of the main points of the law on software licensing and theft, information on the types of piracy, and answers to frequently asked questions. Guidance on how to make a complaint about infringement and a glossary of terms are included. Other features include information on how to join and a page of related web links.

Globefield Press

Web pages of Globefield Press, a law publisher based in the UK, which publishes loose-leaf works on international trade law and anti-dumping. The site presents details of the book International Trade Regulation which is a guide to law and practice of the World Trade Organization and other multilateral arrangements governing international trade. The site presents the contents page and the full-text (PDF) of chapter 2. There are samples of reviews of the work, selected online links to international trade sites and details of price and annual subscription.

Chambers and Partners

Web pages of Chambers and Partners, providing searchable versions of their directories of leading lawyers: Chambers UK, Chambers Europe, Chambers USA, Chambers Global and Chambers Asia. The directories give independent rankings and editorial comment based on Chambers' own research; profiles provided by the firms and individuals themselves; and contact details. The directories can be searched by practice area, firm/barristers' chambers, lawyer's name or country (where appropriate). The Chambers Student Guide is also available.

Journal of Islamic Studies

Website of the Journal of Islamic Studies, an academic journal published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies. The journal is multi-disciplinary, covering all aspects of scholarship relating to Islam and the Islamic world, including law, geography, economics, anthropology, sociology, philosophy, international relations and environmental issues. Contents pages and abstracts are available free from 1996 onwards. There are basic and advanced search facilities and a table of contents email alerting service.

American Law and Economics Review

The journal 'American Law and Economics Review' was launched in 1999 by the American Law and Economics Association (ALEA). The Review is a refereed journal, published twice a year. It endeavours to publish international work that is accessible to the full range of membership in the ALEA, which includes practising lawyers, consulting economics and academic lawyers, and academic economists from around the world. The Review differs from other journals in the field in that it features book reviews and review essays.

British Society of Criminology

The British Society of Criminology aims to "further the interests and knowledge, both academic and professional, of persons engaged in any aspect of teaching and research, or in the promotion and dissemination of knowledge, about crime and criminal behaviour, and the criminal justice systems in the United Kingdom". The Society publishes a newsletter four times a year and a conference is held every two years. Its website gives details of branch meetings.

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