
Bank of England

The official site for the Bank of England. Contains information about the history of the Bank, monetary policy in the UK and the Bank's role in supervising banking and the financial system. It also contains press releases, statistics, bulletins, summaries of inflation reports, details of the Bank's museum and archives and an education section. In addition, the site provideslegislation relating to the Bank, including the Bank of England Act 1694 and the Bank of England Act 1998.

Financial Conduct Authority

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) regulates financial services in the UK; it is one of two successors to the Financial Services Authority (the other being the Prudential Regulation Authority). The FCA website has information and guidance for consumers and financial services firms. There is a link to the FCA Handbook, which sets out the obligations of regulated firms. The News section includes FCA consultation papers, discussion papers, policy statements and other publications.

Central Arbitration Committee

The Central Arbitration Committee (CAC) is an independent statutory body of the British government which adjudicates on decisions relating to the recognition and derecognition of trade unions in the UK for collective bargaining purposes. The CAC also provides voluntary arbitration in industrial disputes. Its website provides information on the purpose, membership and statutory duties of the Committee. It also includes access to recent decisions, press releases and annual reports. Information is provided on the process of trade union recognition in the UK.

Military Court Service

The Military Court Service (MCS) is part of the Ministry of Defence providing a criminal court service for the Royal Navy (RN), Army and Royal Air Force (RAF) in the Court Martial, Summary Appeal Court (SAC) and Service Civilian Court (SCC). It maintains six staffed Military Court Centres. The site provides background information on the role, organisation and procedures of the MCS along with links to related resources including the Manual of Service Law and the Armed Forces Act 2006

International Research Portal for Records Related to Nazi-Era Cultural Property

This website provides access to national and other archival institutions with records relating to Nazi-Era cultural property The research portal has been compiled and made freely available online by the United States National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Participating institutions include Bundesarchiv (The Federal Archives of Germany), UK National Archives, State Archives in Belgium, Commission for Looted Art in Europe (CLAE), United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and France Diplomatie: Diplomatic Archive Center of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs.

HM Inspectorate of Probation

Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Probation is the government body which inspects the efficiency of the UK probation service in order to ensure that the operation of community sentences is effective. Its website describes the purpose of the body and provides a list of the geographical probation areas which it has inspected recently and forthcoming surveys. It is possible to access the full-text of its inspection reports of specific probation services and reports on themes such as young people and women offenders from 1996 onwards.

HM Inspectorate of Prisons

This site provides access to the full-text of all HMIP reports issued from 1998 onwards. They are arranged alphabetically by name of establishment and include women's prisons and detention centres for juvenile offenders. Each report provides statistics on the number of prison inmates, details on the management of the prison and assessment by the inspectors of such factors as atmosphere, staffing levels and provision for health care and education. Reports often contain criticisms of the prisons and recommendations for future action.

Independent Monitoring Board

Website of the Independent Monitoring Board (IMB). The IMB are unpaid members of the public appointed by the British Home Office to monitor conditions inside prisons, remand centres and immigration detention centres. The site provides information on the aims, role and activities of the boards one of which is attached to each prison and immigration centre There are annual reports and other reports on issues such as conditions for asylum seekers at immigration detention removal centres and slopping out.

Claims Management Regulation

This section of the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) website explains the work of the department responsible for regulating claims management services: businesses regulated under the Compensation Act 2006, dealing with claims relating to personal injury, criminal injuries, industrial injuries, employment, financial services and housing disrepair. The site has guidance for claims management business on applying for authorisation, information for consumers, a searchable directory of authorised businesses, legislation and other documentation.

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