
Companies Court

Website of the Companies Court which is a specialist court within the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice and covers cases relating to the insolvency of companies in England and Wales. The Court deals with petitions to wind up a company, applications to unfreeze bank accounts or challenges to winding up petitions and applications to restore a company to the register. There is guidance on liquidating a company, restoring a dissolved company, compulsory liquidation and cancelling a winding up order. Forms, contact details and daily cause lists are also given.

Commercial Court

Website of the Commercial Court a specialist court within the Queen’s Bench Division of the High Court of Justice. This Court deals with complex national and international business disputes covering issues such as contracts, insurance, sale of commodities, import, export and carriage of goods, arbitration awards and construction of ships. There is guidance on taking a case to the Commercial Court, Civil Procedure Rules and a daily cause list.

British Library: Business and Patents

This British Library webpage introduces the BL’s collection guides to a range of materials including patents, trademarks, business and management studies and trade literature from 1880–1940. The British Library is the UK’s national patent library and holds British patent documents, official journals, patent law reports and patent specifications from over 40 countries and international authorities. A guide to patents and patenting your invention is also provided.

Patents Court

Website of the UK Patents Court which handles intellectual property cases concerning patents, registered designs and plant varieties. This court is part of the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice. The site provides guidance on taking a case to the Patents Court, Civil Procedure Rules relating to intellectual property claims, hearing dates and contact details for, and profiles of, Patents Court judges.

Brexit Competition Law Working Group

Website of the Brexit Competition Law Working Group a policy group whose members include academics and legal practitioners concerned with competition law. The stated aim of the group is to “foster public debate and inform government policy on implications of Brexit for competition law and policy”. The Group have produced a paper setting out the key immediate and longer term issues the government needs to consider in relation to Brexit and competition law and have organised a number of roundtable events.

British-Ukrainian Law Association

Webpages of the British-Ukrainian Law Association (BULA), which aims to foster professional relationships between lawyers in the United Kingdom and Ukraine and assist with the development of the legal profession in Ukraine through training, placements and exchange programmes. The site provides membership information and details of events.

Brexit Essentials: Navigating Unchartered Seas: A Practical Guide for Businesses

Online guide to the implications of the vote by Britain to leave the European Union. The briefing has been written by staff at law firm Slaughter and May and is aimed at their business clients. The guide looks at risk assessment and monitoring covering issues such as investment, cash flow, regulatory obligations and contracts. The guide also looks at the impact of Brexit across a number of practice areas including dispute resolution, tax, pensions, intellectual property, environment and data protection.

Brexit legal resources

A selection of online guides looking at the impact of the brexit vote on different areas of law in the UK. The guides have been written by lawyers at international law firm Eversheds and made freely available on the Eversheds website. Areas of law covered on the site include automotive, banking and finance, contracts, environmental, privacy, procurement, shipping, tax and trade law. Other briefings and articles on brexit and other legal topics can be accessed from this page.

Brexit: The Immediate Legal Consequences

Report on the legal effects of Brexit, published and made freely available online by the Constitution Society. The paper has been written by Richard Gordon QC a practising barrister specialising in
constitutional and administrative law and Rowena Moffatt a barrister practising in public law and human
rights law. The paper focuses on the constitutional consequences of a vote to leave the EU and on the consequences for EU citizenship rights. The Constitution Society is an independent foundation run by academic and practising lawyers.

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