
Foundation for Law, Justice and Society

Website of the Foundation for Law, Justice and Society, an independent non-profit research centre affiliated with the University of Oxford. The principal aim of the Foundation is to research the role of law in international, regional, and national affairs. The site gives details of events and information about projects and programmes at the Foundation. Materials associated with each project are provided, including bibliographies, policy briefs, podcasts, reports and lectures.

Ministry of Justice

Ministry of Justice section of the UK government website, covering courts, prisons, probation services, civil rights and related matters. Provides research reports and studies, rules and guidance, policy documents and statistics. Offers information to the general public about rights and the law, including legal advice and legal aid; consumer rights; data protection; disability rights; problems in the workplace; and residential property disputes. 

Bar Standards Board

The Bar Standards Board (BSB) regulates barristers in England and Wales. Its areas of responsibility include education and training requirements for barristers, setting standards of professional conduct and handling complaints against barristers. Its website provides information for barristers and the general public, including details of the qualifications required to become a barrister, advice on how to make a complaint and information about continuing professional development.

Bodleian Law Library research guides

Collection of legal research guides compiled by staff at the Bodleian Law Library. There are guides covering about twenty-five different regions or jurisdictions, from Africa south of the Sahara to the United States. About thirty-five subject guides are also provided, covering a diverse range of topics, including ancient law, tax law, international law, jurisprudence and the law of obligations. There is also guidance on finding particular types of legal materials, such as treaties, legislation and official publications. 

Solicitors Regulation Authority

Website of the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), which regulates solicitors in England and Wales. The site provides news, information and documentation for solicitors, the general public and those interested in qualifying as a solicitor. It includes a register of regulated solicitors, guidance on choosing and using a solicitor, and information about claiming compensation for money owed by a solicitor.

Alternative Family Law

Alternative Family Law is a solicitors' firm specialising in family law, divorce and civil partnership dissolution. Its website describes alternative ways of conducting divorce proceedings, including collaborative law and mediation. There is guidance on divorce procedures and links are provided to organisations and forms. Advice is also given on financial aspects of divorce, the dissolution of civil partnerships, surrogacy, gay parenting, and divorce with an international element. The site is available in English or German.

Centre for Intellectual Property Policy and Management

Website of the Centre for Intellectual Property Policy and Management (CIPPM) at Bournemouth University, which .carries out postgraduate teaching, policy research and consultancy, with a particular focus on IP aspects of the creative sector and new technology. The CIPPM / Jean Monnet Working Papers series is available on the site, together with abstracts of the Centre's other publications. The Tools section includes the Observatory on DSM Directive Exceptions  & Limitations. Details of courses, research projects and events are also provided.

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