
Thematic network on Arctic law

The thematic network on Arctic law is one of the specialist networks of the University of the Arctic (UArctic). UArtic’s members are institutions and organisations with an interest in higher education and research in the Circumpolar North. Its thematic networks aim to foster issues-based cooperation on topical Arctic issues. The network on Arctic law pages contain information on their current, planned and past activities. Past activities include links to annual issues of Current developments in arctic law.

Supreme Court of Finland

The website of the Supreme Court of Finland provides cases, including a small collection of case summaries in English, procedural guidance, annual reports, statistics and other information. The site is mainly in Finnish or Swedish, but also offers content in Sami, English, French, Russian, German and Estonian.

HEUNI: European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control

The website of the European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control (HEUNI), is an online information resource that aims to provide information on crime prevention and criminal justice to European countries. The Institute, located in Helsinki, was formed through an Agreement between the United Nations and Finland in 1981 and forms part of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme network. The website provides a list of HEUNI publications arising from its research in the field, many of which can be can be accessed in full-text.

Rahoitustarkastus (Financial Supervision)

The Finnish Financial Supervision Authority (FSA) "supervises financial markets and participants" in Finland. The FSA works in connection with the Bank of Finland, but is independent and takes its mandate from the Act on FSA of 1993 (included in an English-language version). The site presents various documents pertaining to the FSA's strategy, procedure, objectives and history. News, updates, annual reports and some articles are presented, and longer documents are in PDF.

Finland Supreme Administrative Court (Korkein Hallinto-Oikeus)

The website of the Supreme Administrative Court of Finland provides cases from 2002 onwards (in Swedish or Finnish) and selected case summaries in English from 2017 onwards. It also makes available the Court's annual reports, together with procedural and other information. The full site is available in Finnish and Swedish, with limited versions in Sami, English and French.

Oikeusministeri: Ministry of Justice, Finland

Web pages of the Finnish Ministry of Justice in Helsinki. The pages are in Finnish, and some pages are in English or Swedish. The Ministry is responsible for legal policy, statute policy and the administration of justice in Finland. Particular duties of the Ministry include the drafting of laws, safeguarding the work of the judiciary, the punishment of offenders, and participating in the making of EU legislation. An organisational chart is included in English, and current legal news items are also available.

Institute for Human Rights, Åbo Akademi University

The Institute for Human Rights is part of the Department of Law at the Åbo Akademi University, Finland. Its main areas of research are the rights of minorities and indigenous peoples; economic and social rights; non-discrimination; fundamental standards of humanity; participation and democracy; and human rights in domestic legal systems. The Institute is the Finnish documentation centre for literature on human rights and a Council of Europe depository library for information concerning the European Convention on Human Rights. The website is in English.

Finnish Bar Association

Website of the Finnish Bar Association, an organisation representing advocates in Finland. The site makes freely available in HTML an English language version of the Act on Advocates 1958, which first established and now regulates the Association. There are also full details of the membership requirements and the by-laws of the Association, covering topics such as the board, delegation, accounts and auditing, chapters, dues, arbitration, duties of a member, disciplinary procedures, appeals and miscellaneous provisions.

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