
Chancellor of Justice of the Republic of Estonia

Official Website of the Estonian Chancellor of Justice whose role is to guarantee the constitutional rights and freedoms of individuals and to ensure legislation conforms with the Constitution of Estonia. The site explains the work of the Legal Chancellor and includes a PDF copy of the Annual Report of the Legal Chancellor which provides a more in-depth look at work and activities undertaken. The site has a search engine and can be viewed in Estonian, English and Russian.

Riigikogu - Parliament of Estonia

This is the official website of the Parliament of Estonia. The site features information on the history of the Parliament and the electoral process, as well as current electoral procedure and the functions, structure, committees, membership and factions of the Parliament. Legislative procedure is also discussed, including sessions, work schedules and procedure. Also included is information on the work of parliamentary delegations and groups in the field of international relations. The site is available in Estonian, Russian, and English languages.

Estonian Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority

This is the official website of the Estonian Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority responsible for the administration of electronic communications, railways and industrial safety in Estonia. The site has background information and documentation on the role of the Authority in each of these areas. Links are given to full text legislation grouped by subject including digital signatures, electronic communications, electrical safety, energy efficiency, mining safety and precious metals.


This is the official website of the Estonian Consumer Protection Board, responsible for the rights of consumers and their interests, and consumer policy in accordance with UN and EU consumer policy. The site features news and press releases, and an overview of consumers' rights and protection policy. In addition there is appropriate legislation including the Consumer Protection Act, the Food Act, and the Advertising Act. Also included are details of International Cooperation, and annual reports and statistics.

Estonian Centre for Standardisation and Accreditation

This is the official website of the Estonian Centre for Standardisation and Accreditation, responsible for standardisation in Estonia. The site includes the background and structure of the Board, as well as its legal basis and its functions and activities. Also included are details and statistics on standardisation, and reports on joint projects and technical committees. In addition there are reports on international agreements and the Board's participation in international projects. The site is available in Estonian, with some content in English.


This is the official website of the Estonian Civil Aviation Administration, responsible for civil aviation state inspection and supervision of the implementation of national laws and regulations. The site describes the structure of the Administration, with details of its subordinate departments, air companies, airports, and aircraft. There is a collection of legislation, including the aviation act, national and international law, and the commercial code.

Vabariigi Valitsus

This is the official website of the Estonian Government. The site includes details of the Cabinet of ministers, their biographies and areas of activity, and news and press releases. Also included are details of current activities, including plans and projects, mission and priorities, economic and foreign policy, and Estonia's relations with NATO and its membership of the EU.

Prime Minister of Estonia

This is the official website of the Prime Minister of Estonia. It includes access to some biographical information, press and policy statements from the current office holder. These cover all aspects of the foreign, economic, political and social policy of Estonia. The site can be viewed in Estonian, Russian and English.

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