
The Tallinn Manual

The ‘Tallinn Manual on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Warfare’ is the outcome of three years’ work by an independent group of international law experts - scholars and practitioners - on the application of existing norms of international law to cyber warfare. It is made up of rules of customary international law developed and adopted by the group of experts, annotated with commentary. It is available free of charge on the website of NATO’s Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCD COE); it was also published by Cambridge University Press, in 2013.

Institute of Baltic Studies

Website of the Institute of Baltic Studies (IBS), an independent, non-profit research and development centre aiming to assist the development of public policy in the Baltic region through socio-economic analysis. The site is mostly available in both Estonian and English, although some sections are in Estonian only. Contains information on the various projects undertaken by the institute in their three key areas of science technology and innovation, social cohesion, and policy analysis as well as articles and case studies in these areas written for them by a variety of sources.

President of Estonia

Official website of the president of Estonia, available in Estonian, English and Russian. Contains an archive of presidential speeches and addresses, and press releases pertaining to the president. Also contains information about the office and duties of the president, previous heads of state, the full text of the constitution and the declaration of independence, and recipients of Estonian state decorations. All information can be browsed from the home page, where there is also a very limited search function.

Riigi teataja

Website for the State Gazette of the republic of Estonia, an official online publication in so far as all documents and legislation contained are deemed to be official versions. Indeed, the paper version of the gazette was discontinued in 2010. Published in Estonian only, the site provides a full text database of Estonian legal acts. From the home page, recent issues are available to browse by date, along with news on upcoming legal instruments, or the search (täpne otsing) button can be selected which will allow searching over both consolidated and original legislation.

Estonian ministry of foreign affairs

Official website for the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, available in Estonia, Russian, German and English, covering all areas of foreign policy and diplomacy, and international law. Contains the full text in English of all Estonian treaties (bilateral and multilateral), which can be searched from the ‘International agreements’ link. All legislation relating to the work of the ministry is provided in the relevant sections, translated into all the languages of the website.

Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Estonia

Official website of the Estonian Ministry if Finance. Contains information and official documents relating to all aspects of the ministry’s work, such as the economy, state aid, tax policy, gambling and public procurement. All sections can be accessed from a hyperlinked index on the right of the welcome screen, or the site can be keyword searched across. Copies of the relevant legislation affecting each area is also provided, in English translation if the site is being accessed in English. Site appears to be regularly maintained and updated

Estonian state portal

the official e-portal of the Estonian state (public, private and third sector), available in Estonian, English and Russian. Site contains a wealth of information for citizens and businesses within Estonia, which can be searched from the main page, or browsed from numerous cross indexed lists relating to the work of the various departments of the government. While some areas require you to be a registered user of the site (which incurs a fee) the majority is free to access.

Eesti Pank: the Bank of Estonia

The Bank of Estonia has a remit to maintain the value of the Estonian currency (the Kroon) and to support and improve the Estonian banking and financial system. The site and its contents are available in Estonian and English and presents general information on the Bank, its monetary policies, mission, and press releases, and the Estonian banking system. Many statistical indicators and reports are included, on banking, investment and the economy. The legislation section includes the full-text of Estonian laws, decrees and regulations on banking and finance, from the 1990s.

Supreme Court of the Republic of Estonia

Web pages in English of the Supreme Court of Estonia, which derives its powers and competence from the Constitution of Estonia of 1992, and which had its first open session in May 1993. The site presents basic information about the Court: its composition, its two chambers (the Constitutional Review Chamber and the Civil, Criminal and Administrative Law Chamber), its appeals selection process, its history, and legal foundation and competence. It gives statistics on the number of applications and judgements made between 1993 and 1997.

Estonian Legal Language Centre

Website of the Estonian Legal Language Centre, an agency of the Estonian Ministry of Justice whose role is to provide translation services for the government. The site provides access to English translations of Estonian legislation and Estonian translations of European Union legislation. The full-text laws can be browsed alphabetically by Estonian title or searched by keyword in the title or text of the document. Legislation is also organised by legal subject. A two-way electronic dictionary provides translations of terms used in both European Union and Estonian legislation.

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