
WTO iLibrary

This website is the online research depository of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) providing access to WTO reports and key research material on global trade. The library can be searched by theme such as dispute settlement, environment and intellectual property etc., by country or by material type eg. books, papers, statistics or dispute settlement reports. All content can be searched by keyword or by using an advanced search option. Publications are made freely available to read online but a subscription is required to download material.

NORMLEX Information System on International Labour Standards

This International Labour Organization (ILO) database brings together information on International Labour Standards along with national labour and social security laws. Country profiles show which ILO conventions have been ratified, provide links to national labour laws and information on reporting obligations. There is information on which countries have ratified ILO conventions along with links to all conventions open for ratification. There is also comparative data showing which countries have ratified which conventions.

EPLex Employment Protection Legislation Database

EPLex is an International Labour Organization (ILO) resource that provides information on employment termination legislation in the various ILO member states. Legislation can be browsed by country and is usually provided in the original language. The information is also broken down and aspects such as employment contracts, substantive requirements for dismissal, severance and redundancy payments can also be browsed by country. An advanced search option is also available.

Global Database on Occupational Safety and Health Legislation (LEGOSH)

This International Labour Organization (ILO) database brings together occupational safety and health (OSH) legislation and regulatory frameworks from around the world. The database can be browsed by country or searched by keyword. The information is arranged by themes eg. regulatory framework, OSH inspection and enforcement of legislation, employers’ duties and responsibilities and specific hazards or risks. Full-text legislation is linked to via the ILO’s database of national labour, social security and related human rights legislation (NATLEX), usually in the original language.

WTO Guide to Documentation

Guide to WTO and GATT documentation, produced by the World Trade Organization’s Information Management Service. Explains how WTO/GATT documentation is organised and gives details of official document references, or ‘symbols’; also covers sales publications (as opposed to official documents). Gives an overview of key titles, such as Basic Instruments and Selected Documents and the Analytical Index to WTO dispute cases, with links to online versions (where available). Provides indexes and schedules, including a full list of all document symbols.

FCGH Alliance

Website of FCGH Alliance an NGO created in 2017 under the Swiss civil code to advocate for the creation of a Framework Convention on Global Health (FCGH). The FCGH is a proposed international treaty, developed by health and law experts, designed to address health inequalities. The website has a
freely available library of briefing papers and articles including documents covering the work of the FCGH Alliance in promoting the treaty. There is also a blog highlighting global health law issues, the activities of the FCGH Alliance and the status of the convention.

Greece - Constitution

The University of Bern’s International Constitutional Law website provides 2001 and 1986 versions of the Constitution of Greece, in English. An article about Greek constitutional history by Dr. George Katrougalos (Assistant Professor, Demokritos University) is also available, together with a historical timeline from the 2nd millennium BC to the 1990s.

Environmental Law

This page describes the work of Environmental Law Programme (ELP) which forms part of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) a membership network of government and civil society organisations concerned with nature conservation. There is information on the various initiatives run by the ELP including the World Commission on Environmental Law (WCEL), the Environmental Law Centre (ELC) and the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law.

Waterlex Legal Database

The Waterlex Legal Database brings together information about national and international water law, governance and policy. It is provided by Waterlex, an international NGO. The data is partly crowd-sourced and partly obtained from the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization and other official bodies. The database is searchable by key word and can be filtered by country, region and/or type of document. For many countries, extracts from legislation are available, with links to the full text on national websites.

Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA): International Law

International law section of the Swiss foreign ministry’s website, covering topics such as privileges and immunities, neutrality, international humanitarian law and international agreements. Official reports and manuals are provided, together with links to relevant Swiss legislation and international conventions. The International Agreements page has a database of treaties involving Switzerland and provides information about the treaties for which the Swiss government is the depositary. The site is in French, German, Italian and most – but not all - of it is also available in English.

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