
Investment Treaty Arbitration

The Investment Treaty Arbitration website is aimed at legal practitioners, academics, government officials, researchers and anyone interested in international investment law. The resource is compiled by Andrew Newcombe who is Associate Professor, Faculty of Law at the University of Victoria in Canada. Details of investment treaty awards back to 1996 can be searched or browsed by date, claimant or respondent state. There are links to investment treaties and other investment instruments. Links to resources providing details of other investment awards and cases are also given.

Parliament of Canada

The website of the Parliament of Canada provides information about the work, organisation and history of the Canadian Senate, House of Commons and parliamentary committees. Details of current legislation and the work of previous sessions are given. Debates and committee minutes are available from 1996 onwards and bills or acts from 1994 onwards . Other official publications on the site include committee reports and minutes of committee proceedings. There is a directory of current Members of both Houses. The About Parliament section includes historical and procedural information.

Web links: Canada

Set of links to Canadian law websites, compiled by the Law Library at Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Toronto. Covers research guides and gateways; legislative materials and treaties; courts and caselaw; government; news; law schools and libraries; law societies and organizations; law firm directories; publishers; and blogs.

Law Commission of Canada

Website of the Law Commission of Canada, an independent federal agency set up in 1997 to advise Parliament on reforming the laws of Canada. The Commission lost its funding in 2006, but its website has been archived by Library and Archives Canada. Reports produced while the Commission was active are still available in the Resources section of the site, under the heading “Reading Room”. Information about the work of the Commission is also provided.

Government of Canada

Official website of the Canadian Government. Includes an alphabetical directory of federal government websites and a set of links to provincial and territorial government sites. The Publications and Reports page is a portal to Canadian government publications and information about them. The site is available in French or English.

International Competition Network

Website of the International Competition Network (ICN) an informal, virtual network of competition agencies from 92 jurisdictions. The aim of the ICN is to promote “more efficient and effective antitrust enforcement worldwide to the benefit of consumers and businesses.” The site has a directory of members with contact details and links to websites. Details of work groups, which cover advocacy, agency effectiveness, cartels, mergers and unilateral conduct, are given along with links to handbooks and reports.

Canadian Bar Association

Official website of the Canadian Bar Association, the professional organisation for all members of the legal profession in Canada. The site gives information about the CBA structure, meetings, annual conference and current initiatives. A list of interest groups represents the Association's involvement in a full range of legal subject areas. A list of Canadian Provinces links to separate site sections for the Provincial and Territorial branches of the CBA. In addition the site features a series of news headlines, with links to full-text news releases, papers and reports.

Treaties and Other Sources of International Law

A research guide prepared and updated by librarians at the Bora Laskin Law Library, University of Toronto, Canada. It offers commentary, research tips and details of websites and printed sources, including lists of finding tools for different categories of treaties. The guide has three main sections: public international law; private international law and foreign law; and notes on foreign law as part of international law.

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