

The SHERLOC (Sharing Electronic Resources and Laws on Crime) website has been compiled by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). It’s aim is to facilitate the dissemination of information regarding implementation of the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, the Convention’s three protocols and the international legal framework against terrorism.

Supreme Administrative Court of Austria

Official website of the Austrian Supreme Administrative Court (VwGH) which has final jurisdiction in matters of administrative law including planning permits, industrial operating licences, fiscal and asylum matters. It is one of three supreme courts in Austria the others being the Supreme Court (civil and criminal matters) and the Constitutional Court (constitutional law). The site describes the role and functions of the court and provides a link to the annual report (in German).

Supreme Court of Justice of the Republic of Austria

Official website of the Austrian Supreme Court of Justice, the highest appeal court dealing with civil and criminal matters. The site gives information on the role and functions of the court along with a list of presidents. There is a link to the Rechtsinformationssystem database where court decisions can be viewed in German. The site can be viewed in German or via an English interface.

Austrian Bar Association

Website of the Austrian Bar, the association representing lawyers practising in Austria. There is a directory of lawyers searchable by name, location, languages spoken and practice areas. Contact details and links to the regional bars are also given along with a guide to Austrian law (in German) which is free to download from the site. The site is presented in German with an English interface.


Treaty information provided by the Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs. A database giving details of Austria’s bilateral treaties (‘Bilaterale Staatsverträge’) is available, searchable by keyword or subject, or browseable by country.

International Atomic Energy Agency

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was set up in 1957 and has its headquarters in Vienna. It is a international organisation within the UN System. The IAEA website provides a wide range of information about the role and structure of the agency and details of its programmes and education/training. It also gives full-text access to publications and official documents: nuclear treaties, reports, country factsheets, the IAEA Legal Series, the quarterly IAEA Bulletin and other material, including digitised older titles from around the 1960s onwards.

ecoi: European Country of Origin Network

Collection of country-of-origin information intended for use by lawyers and others involved in asylum claims, provided by a department of the Austrian Red Cross. has a page for each country of the world; each page provides key reports and other documents, national laws translated into English, maps and links to country profiles (by the UN, CIA, BBC and so on). Basic and advanced search facilities are available. The site also includes a blog.

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) provides expert advice to EU institutions on questions relating to fundamental rights. Its website includes reports, factsheets and studies; a database of ECJ judgments relating to fundamental rights; and opinions submitted to EU institutions by the FRA. It also makes available a ‘Charterpedia’, a compilation of international, EU and national constitutional law and EU case law relating to fundamental rights.


Official web pages of the Legal Information System of the Republic of Austria, co-ordinated and operated by the Austrian Federal Chancellery. At present, five sections of the Legal Information System are available on the Internet free of charge: database of Austrian federal law, database of state law, the case law, with full-text of the rulings, of the Administrative Court and of the Constitutional Court, and the norm list of the Administrative Court (the list of citation of regulations). The full-text of the Federal Law Gazette is available, from the 1983 edition onwards.

Statistik Austria

Statistik Österreich, now called Statistik Austria, became an independent body in January 2000. Its remit is to disseminate national statistics in an impartial manner. Profiles cover economic, demographic, social, ecological and cultural aspects of Austria. Some information can be downloaded in PDF or Excel format, but it is not all freely available. It is also possible to search for Statistik Austria's publications by subject. All texts are in German. The English version of the site contains a limited amount of information.

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