Private International Law

Free online resources for private international law (PIL), collated by the Office of the Assistant Legal Adviser for Private International Law at the US Department of State. The database is split into 4 subject sections: Trade and Business Transactions Law; Family Law; International Judicial Assistance; and the law governing Wills, Trusts and Estates. Each of these sections includes a selection of primary documents under the following headings: PIL Conventions to Which the U.S. Is a Party; PIL Conventions -- U.S.

Trade and Related Agreements Database

Database containing the texts of trade and related agreements, maintained by the US Department of Commerce's Trade Compliance Center (TCC). The database aims to give free public access to agreements in force between the US and its trading partners dealing with manufactured products and services. Agreements can be searched or browsed and viewed by type- intellectual property rights agreements, WTO agreements, free trade agreements and bilateral investment agreements. There is also guidance to the different types of agreement.

National Institute of Justice International Center

The National Institute of Justice's (NIJ) International Center website is an online information resource that aims to "stimulate, facilitate, evaluate and disseminate" criminal justice research and information. The Center is a part of the US Department of Justice. The resources are aimed primarily at practitioners, researchers and policymakers whose professional interests lie in the globalization of crime. The site offers access to information about the Center and its aims, recent events at the Center, an international calendar of upcoming events and NIJ's involvement with the UN.

National Institute of Justice

The website of the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) is the research and development arm of the United States Department of Justice. Its website covers the work of the institute, news, funding opportunities and publications. A section listing the programs currently being run by the Institute is included with links to the individual program sites.

An information resource site developed by the International Institute for Animal Law and the National Anti-Vivisection Society in the United States. The site publishes law-related information and provides access to publicly available legislative materials dealing with animals rights and welfare primarily in the US. Legal issues surrounding the use of animals in product testing, medical research and other laboratory situations are covered. AnimalLaw offers a facility to search laws by US state or at federal level, or by citation or bill number.

Researching US Treaties and Agreements

An online legal research guide compiled by Marci Hoffman, International and Foreign Law Librarian at UC Berkeley Law Library. The guide was published in the features section of in October 2005 and updates an earlier version which appeared in May 2001.The author provides commentary on web resources, with links, and details of relevant printed materials. The guide gives an introduction to the treaty-making process, looking briefly at international treaties and agreements, US treaties and agreements and their ratification and implementation.

Guide to the U.S. Federal Legal System: Web-based Public Accessible Sources

An online research guide outlining the structure of the US federal legal system with reference to web based publicly accessible legal sources written by Gretchen Feltes, Reference Librarian/Faculty Services at the New York University School of Law Library. The guide was originally published in 2003 on (Law Library Resource Xchange), the free online web journal for legal information professionals.

Women's Legal History Biography Project

A collection of educational materials aiming to record the history, lives, work and careers of pioneering women lawyers in the United States, derived from a course on women's legal history at Stanford Law School. Materials offered by the site include: articles, research guides and bibliographies, biographical profiles, obituaries and a photographic archive of early women lawyers. A list of links to other relevant Internet sites is also provided. A section of the site concentrates on Clara Shortridge Foltz the first women lawyer on the Pacific Coast (California 1978).

State Statutes on the internet : family law

This is one section of a page of the Legal Information Institute internet gateway which is part of Cornell Law School in New York State. There is an alphabetical list of the individual states of the United States with links through to the state legislature websites. These in most cases have the full-text of the state statutes from the late 1990s onwards, relating to family law which covers children, marital and domestic relations, as well as other subject areas.

L.I.I. Uniform Matrimonial and Family Laws Locator

This site forms part of the Legal Information Institute Internet gateway based at Cornell Law School in New York State. The uniform matrimonial and family laws locator is one of five subject locators on the site. It covers United States state laws which correspond to uniform laws in the subject areas of matrimony and the family. There is an alphabetical list of these uniform laws, each entry having a list of the states to which that law applies and links to the full-text where it is available.

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