Law office of Robert J. Ambrogi

Website of Robert J. Ambrogi's law firm. Robert Ambrogi is a United States based lawyer, journalist and ADR professional who writes on the internet and legal technology. The site has information on the services offered by the firm and details of the book, the Essential Guide to the Best (and Worst) Legal Sites on the Web. There are also links to Robert Ambrogi's LawSites blog and Media Law blog which focuses on freedom of the press issues.

Keeping up with class actions: reports, legal sites and blogs of note

Online guide to free and subscription resources providing information on class actions written by Scott Russell who is Reference Librarian at Shook, Hardy & Bacon L.L.P in the United States. The guide was published in May 2008 in the features section of The author provides an introduction to class actions including background information, guidance on alternative terms and where to find details of these cases. Resources referred to in the guide are arranged under the following headings: subscription based services; legal sites; blogs; regional and other sites.

Copyright Renewal Database

Website providing access to Stanford University's Copyright Renewal Database containing copyright renewal records for books published in the United States between 1923 and 1963. During this period renewal registration was required to prevent the expiration of copyright. The records are held by the US Copyright Office and have been included in this searchable, browsable database. Records can be browsed by year, title or author and searched by keyword or using an advanced search option.

Legal Information Preservation Alliance

Website of the Legal Information Preservation Alliance (LIPA) an independent organisation of US law libraries concerned with the preservation of printed and electronic legal information. The site gives background information about LIPA including details of member libraries, committee members, news, meetings and reports. There are links given to other digital preservation initiatives, metadata resources, print repositories and copyright materials.

Center on Law and Security

Website of the Center on Law and Security a think tank based at the New York University School of Law which brings together academics, practitioners and policymakers in the fields of law and security. The site has organisational information, profiles of faculty and staff and details of courses and publications of the Center.

Water Laws

Water Laws is an online journal published by Smith Partners a Minnesota based law firm specialising in local government and water resources law. Water Laws is made freely available online and provides access to case law, legislation and comment on US (Minnesota in particular) water resources law and policy. Digests of recent decisions on water law from the Minnesota state courts and federal courts are arranged by subject. There are links to Minnesota state laws relating to water resources.

Institute for National Security and Counterterrorism

Website of the Institute for National Security and Counterterrorism (INSCT) an interdisciplinary research centre concerned with law and policy issues relating to national and international security and counterterrorism. INSCT is based at Syracuse University, New York and the site provides information on faculty and staff at the Institute, academic courses and conferences and events. Details of publications by members of INSCT are given along with links to full text articles and related journals.

Legal Talk Network

Website of Legal Talk Network (LTN) a company providing internet radio programmes aimed at lawyers. The programmes are made freely available and can be played on the site using Window Media Player or downloaded in mp3 format. Recent topics covered include lawyer marketing, paralegals, immigrants and the law, legal technology and age discrimination. The radio shows can be browsed by date or topic. A selection of online forums dealing with themes covered in the programmes are included on the site.

Sugar Law Center for Economic and Social Justice

The Sugar Law Center is a non-profit organisation based in Michigan in the US, providing community legal support and advocacy, with a particular focus on low-income and displaced workers. Its website has details of its aims and projects. It also provides information about workers' rights and has a page devoted to guidance and advice regarding the Michigan Unemployment Insurance System.

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