United Kingdom

General Council of The Bar

The Bar Council is the professional body representing barristers in England and Wales. The site provides information about the role of the Bar Council, the work of its various committees and copies of its annual reports. There is background information about barristers and their work, circuits, the Inns of Court and specialist bar associations. Details are given of the services the Bar Council provides for barristers, rules and guidance and a link to the online Bar Directory. Guidance is available for people instructing a barrister and shopping for legal services.

UK Environmental Law Association

The United Kingdom Environmental Law Association (UKELA) is a membership organisation for those involved in the practice, study or formulation of environmental law. The site has organisational information about UKELA and details of the work carried out by regional and working groups including minutes, submissions and responses. Background information is given relating to environmental and wild law. There are details of events and conferences with links to papers and presentations from previous events provided.

British and Irish Association of Law Librarians

The British and Irish Association of Law Librarians (BIALL) was formed in 1969 to represent the interests of legal information professionals and others involved in law librarianship. The website has background information about the aims and history of the organisation, membership information and details of events, conferences and courses. There is also careers information relating to legal information work and a 'Job Board'.

Society of Legal Scholars

Website of the Society of Legal Scholars (SLS, a UK professional association aiming to advance legal education, which includes teaching in universities, legal research and the professional training of lawyers. The site provides organisational and membership information and details of conferences, events and SLS publications. There are web pages for the various subject sections giving details of each section's news, events and contact details. SLS newsletters are available going back to 2004 and position papers and consultation responses can be downloaded from the site.

British and Irish Law, Education and Technology Association

The British and Irish Law, Education and Technology Association (BILETA) was formed in April 1986 with the primary objective of promoting technology in legal education throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland. It attempts to achieve this in conjunction with the UK Centre for Legal Education (UKCLE) by promoting research projects, supporting the distribution of software and providing information on technology in law developments. The site provides membership and organisational information and access to an archive of conference papers going back to the 5th BILETA Annual Conference 1990.

European Integration Online Papers

European Integration Online Papers (EIoP) is an ejournal published by the European Communities Studies Association, Austria (ECSA-A). It covers the historical, political, legal, economic and sociological aspects of European Integration. Past issues covered include: monetary policy, enlargement of the EU, governance of Europe, European constitution, single European Currency (Euro) and citizenship. The full text of each paper is provided in HTML or PDF. Papers from 1997 to 2005 can be browsed by subject- political science, law, economics or sociology- or searched by title or author.

Legal Action Group

The Legal Action Group (LAG) is a legal education charity providing support to lawyers and campaigning for improvements in the law and the administration of justice. Its website gives details of LAG publications, courses and campaigns. Contents and editorials from the Group's magazine, 'Legal Action', are also available, along with indexes back to 2000. The site provides guides to a range of legal topics and links to external resources. Subjects covered include community care, crime, employment, human rights, legal aid and welfare benefits.


These pages have been prepared by Dr David Jukes, Senior Lecturer in Food Regulation at the University of Reading to assist students taking courses in food law. The site has teaching materials and information on the law relating to additives and food labelling. There are legal news items concerning food law in the UK, the EU, CODEX, FAO and WHO, from 1996 onwards. <p> Links are provided to food legislation for the United Kingdom and European Union. UK links go back to 1995; some legislation is listed back to 1959, but the site does not profess to be complete.

Crown Prosecution Service

Website of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) the "Government Department responsible for prosecuting criminal cases investigated by the police in England and Wales." The site contains background information about the CPS including its history and role. There are pages aimed at victims of crime, contact details of local offices and press releases. The site also gives legal guidance for prosecutors and caseworkers covering the various types of offences, witnesses, case preparation, appeals, trial issues and sentencing.

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