United Kingdom

Guardian Law

This section of the Guardian newspaper website focuses on legal issues providing free access to legal news, blogs and features. As well as legal news stories there are articles written by legal experts, links to news and comment from the Guardian's legal affairs team on Twitter and links to external legal blogs and websites through the Guardian Legal Network. There is also a weekly newsletter- The Bundle- which has a round up of news, comment, analysis, blogs and readers' views from Guardian Law and elsewhere on the web.

Equal Rights Trust

Website of the Equal Rights Trust (ERT) an international advocacy organisation based in London. The work of the ERT includes human rights advocacy, documentation of abuses, legal and policy research and consultation and training. The site gives free access to the ERT’s Virtual Library on Equality which provides materials on non-discrimination and equality, including case law, policy papers, academic and other articles and ERT publications. Other features include the Equal Rights Review and a Declaration of Principles on Equality.

Sheffield Hallam Law Review

Website of the Sheffield Hallam Law Review a peer reviewed publication of the Department of Law, Criminology and Community at Sheffield Hallam University. The aim of the journal is to enable undergraduate and postgraduate students of law to have their academic research reach a wider audience. The Review is published annually and can be searched or browsed by issue, author or title on the site. The first issue has articles on the legality of Guantanamo Bay, human rights in the field of mental health and the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008. Free registration required.

Human Rights Consortium

The Human Rights Consortium has been created by the School of Advanced Study at the University of London. The aim of the Consortium is to facilitate, promote and disseminate academic and policy work on Human Rights÷ by hosting conferences and establishing a network of Human Rights researchers, policy-makers and practitioners.

Office for Security and Counter Terrorism

Official website of the Office for Security and Counter Terrorism (OSCT) a Directorate within the United Kingdom Home Office which ¶leads the work on counter-terrorism in the UK, working closely with the police and security services÷. The site has information about the work and responsibilities of the OSCT along with a full text copy of the counter terrorism strategy which can be freely downloaded.

Ombudsman Association

The Ombudsman Association is a membership organisation for ombudsmen from the UK, Ireland, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man and Britain's overseas territories. The website includes lists of the voting and associate members of the Association. They cover a wide range of topics such as Energy, Housing, Legal Services, Prisons and Probation, and Parliamentary Standards. Entries give a brief note of responsibilities with contact addresses, phone and fax numbers, and email and website addresses.

Property Bar Association

Web pages for the professional association of barristers in England and Wales specialising in property law and property-related work. The site sets out the Association's objectives, presents a programme of events, meetings and seminars and publishes papers derived from past events. An alphabetical list of members is presented in PDF. The text of the Association's constitution is also published on the site in HTML format.

Deutsche-Britische Juristenvereinigung

The German British Union of Lawyers "Deutsch-Britische Juristenvereinigung" (DBJV) was established in 1970. This is the freely accessible website of its German division, which currently has around 750 members. The site is managed and maintained by the Europa-Universit§t Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder). It presents background information about the history and development of the organisation, an extract from the DBJV Charter, notes on how to join the organisation and reports from past meetings and conferences.

Courtserve Legal Information Centre

The Courtserve Legal Information Centre is a website of Courtel Communications Limited who provide a number of subscription services aimed at legal practitioners including digital delivery of court lists and legal news. A selection of free services can be accessed on the Courtservice site. These include court lists from the Crown Courts, the Royal Courts of Justice, selected County Courts and Employment Tribunal lists. These require free registration. A Directory of Chambers, a Crown Court Directory and a County Court Directory are available on the site.

Civil Justice Reform Evaluation: Emerging Findings: an Early Evaluation of the Civil Justice Reforms

This paper from the Lord Chancellor's Department documents the emerging findings from the first phase of the Civil Justice Reforms, introduced in April 1999. These reforms were introduced following Lord Woolf's 'Access to Justice' report. The report discusses recent trends in litigation, the settlement and resolution of claims, trends in alternative dispute resolution, the impact of case management conferences, evidence on costs, and the views of litigants on the reforms. Many statistical tables are included.

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