United Kingdom

Office of Rail Regulation

The Office of Rail Regulation (ORR) is the independent government department responsible for the regulation of the railways in the United Kingdom. Its areas of responsibility include issuing licences to operate trains, ensuring competition in the provision of rail services and protection of passengers' interests. In addition to their role as economic regulator, ORR is the health and safety regulator for the rail industry. The website provides information on the role and work of the ORR. It includes the full-text of its most recent annual report, rail statistics and press notices.


Ofwat is the independent government watchdog for the water and sewage industry in England and Wales. Its website provides information on the role of the regulator as well as access to a large number its leaflets and consultation papers. These relate to issues such as competition and regulation in the water industry, the introduction of water meters, water bills and charging for water.

Competition and Markets Authority

This UK official body took over the functions of the Competition Commission and some of the functions of the Office of Fair Trading in 2014. Its work includes conducting inquiries into monopolies and mergers and prosecuting cartel offences. The website includes a database of cases as well as reports, consutation documents and press releases.

Constitution Unit Blog

Website of the UCL Constitution Unit's blog. The Constitution Unit is a research centre whose work focuses on constitutional change. There are posts covering various aspects of constitutional law including parliament, elections and referendums, parties and politicians, judiciary and human rights and monarchy, church and state. Constitution Unit reports, details of current research, and other information about the Unit can be accessed from this page.

Company Names Tribunal

The Company Names Tribunal is a UK public body that deals with cases where a name appears to have been registered in order to extract money or to prevent another party from registering it. Its website provides decisions and orders of the Tribunal, forms, procedural information and announcements.

Financial Reporting Council

The Financial Reporting Council is the UK independent regulator which deals with corporate reporting and governance. The site contains information about the work of the FRC, a list of members and the text of its annual review which summarises the work of all parts of the organisation for the year along with the Report and Accounts. There are some free copies of accounting standards on the website.

British Bankers’ Association

The British Bankers' Association (BBA) is the "leading UK banking and financial services trade association and acts on behalf of its members on all domestic and international issues that affect the sector". Their website provides information about the BBA, its activities and members, with access to information about the banking industry as a whole. It includes information on the Banking Codes, banking related news, various publications and statistics and policy issues, setting out the BBA position on various issues.

Office of the Judge Advocate General

Web page of the Office of the Judge Advocate General (OJAG) which forms part of the Ministry of Justice website. The OJAG deals with criminal trials of service men and women in the Royal Navy, the Army and the Royal Air Force for serious offences and where defendants choose not to be dealt with by the Commanding Officer. Cases are heard in a Court Martial by a Judge Advocate. The site includes guidance on the Court Martial including proceedings and sentencing.

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