United Kingdom

Local government legislation: byelaws

This section of the GOV.UK website provides information on local authority byelaws and how they are confirmed by the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG). Byelaws are local laws made by local authorities and confirmed by the Secretary of State. The site makes available 7 sets of model byelaws covering a range of subjects that can be used and adapted. Guidance is also given on making, advertising and applying for confirmation for the byelaws.

Local Authority Byelaws

This page on the House of Commons Library website provides information on and access to ‘Local Authority Byelaws’ a briefing paper by Mark Sandford. Byelaws are local laws, made by local authorities and other bodies, designed to deal with local issues. This report outlines the procedure for making byelaws, use of model byelaws and confirmation of byelaws by government departments. There is also information on the 2016 regulations which were introduced to reform the byelaw procedure in England and changes to byelaw procedure in Wales.

St Helena Government

Website of the St Helena government. St Helena is an island in the South Atlantic and a self-governing Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom. St Helena forms part of a group including Ascension Island and the Tristan da Cunha group of Islands. There is information about the legal system, structure of government, government directorates and the island’s environment. There are also web pages aimed at tourists and investors. Other parts of the site provide access to the laws of St Helena, government publications, government gazettes and Supreme Court judgements (2015 onwards).

St Helena Laws

Webpage of the St Helena government site providing access to the laws of this self-governing Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom. St Helena forms part of a group including Ascension Island and the Tristan da Cunha group of islands. The St Helena government enacts its own local laws- ordinances and secondary legislation- which are linked to on this site. Laws are arranged alphabetically and given in PDF. There is also a link to the Saint Helena Act 1833 which contains St Helena’s Constitution under which the laws are made.

Planning Court

This page of the GOV.UK website provides information and contacts for the Planning Court, which is part of the Administrative Court within the Queen’s Bench Division of the High Court of Justice. The Planning Court hears appeals against planning authorities relating to planning permission, development consent, compulsory purchase orders and highways. From the site you can download forms, see upcoming cases and view civil procedure rules relating to the court.

Technology and Construction Court

This page of the GOV.UK website provides information on the Technology and Construction Court, a group of specialist courts within the Queen’s Bench Division of the High Court of Justice, which hears cases relating to building, engineering and surveying issues. There are contact details for all the courts,
guidance on how to take a case to the court including online claim forms and detailed guidance for lawyers on how to bring a complex technical case to the court.

Proscribed Organisations Appeal Commission

Information provided on the GOV.UK website on making an appeal to the Proscribed Organisations Appeal Commission (POAC). The POAC was created by the Terrorism Act 2000 to hear appeals from organisations which have been banned by the Home Office because they believe it is involved with terrorism. The site gives guidance on how to appeal, links to relevant rules and legislation and previous decisions.

Land Registration Tribunal

This part of the GOV.uk website provides access to the Land Registration Tribunal, which is the Land Registration division of the Property Chamber (First-tier Tribunal). The Tribunal was set up in 2013 to deal with disputes concerning the Land Registry. The webpage has guidance on applying to the Tribunal, attending a hearing, links to relevant legislation and to the Decisions Database which holds all the decisions of the Land Registration Tribunal from 1 June 2015 onwards.

Cousins Business Law

Website of Cousins Business Law, a firm of commercial solicitors specialising in SMEs and family run businesses. The site offers a selection of free articles covering subjects relevant to small business such as outsourcing, contracts, IT and ecommerce. There is also a monthly ezine which can be freely downloaded from the site and a business law blog. Posts can be viewed by date or subject eg. partnership agreements, business disputes, licensing and laws and regulations.

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