Social sciences

JurPC: Internet-Zeitschrift für Rechtsinformatik

German-language legal information e-journal publishing articles by legal information managers, specialists and practitioners.  Articles cover topics relating to information innovations in law and electronic publishing and services and other online developments relevant to the legal community. The journal is open access and is edited by Professor Dr Maximillian Herberger of the Universität des Saarlandes.

Cyber Avocat

Cyber Avocat is a compilation in French of answers to frequently asked questions about French law. FAQ in French stands for "Foire aux Questions". The site is compiled and maintained by Brigitte Bogucki, a lawyer based in Paris. It does not seek to be exhaustive but to provide general information on French law and legal practice. The most substantial feature of the site is the series of drop-down menus of FAQs on different aspects of French law: the family, courts, housing, employment, and miscellaneous.

Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature

The Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature (ENM) is the official training and examining body for judges and prosecutors in France. It comes under the aegis of the French Ministry of Justice. The site publishes the texts of legislation pertaining to the setting up and administration of the Ecole. The list of initial and in-service training programmes is published, with details of the preparation and training cycles for candidates wishing to take one of the Ecole's "concours" (competitions). Bibliographies on some aspects of the judicial system are available.

European Documentation Centre: University of Mannheim

Website describing the work, facilities and organisation of the European Documentation Centre at the University of Mannheim in Germany and offering a comprehensive collection of links to the European Union's information network and EU documentation. EU web links are provided; there is a section presenting EU information by subject area (under "Politikbereichen der EU"); there are also details about EU information networks, particularly those based in Germany. The site is in German or English.

Eine Auswahl rechtswissenschaftlicher Datenbanken im Internet

This website is managed by the Library at the University of Mannheim in Germany. It is a comprehensive guide to a very wide range of German, European and international legal websites. The main categories included are government departments, legal journals, research centres, dictionaries, legal research guides, and many library catalogues. There are also sections for different subject areas of law. It is all in German.

BIJUS: Dokumentarische Schnittstelle zweier Rechtskulturen

BIJUS is a joint project between the Universities of Saarland in Germany and Nancy in France to promote communication between French and German lawyers. The first part is a bibliography to enable German lawyers to search for books on French law by using terms in German. The reverse is available in French. The second part provides a small selection of full-text key legislation in both French and German. All information is freely available and does not require registration or payment.

Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Social Law

This website gives an introduction to the Max-Planck-Institut für Ausländisches und Internationales Sozialrecht, its staff, Library, teaching and research, in both English and German. Details of the Institute's publications are provided, including contents lists for its journal, "Zeitsschrift für Ausländisches und Internationales Arbeits-und Sozialrecht" (ZIAS), from volume 16 issue 3 (2002) onwards.

Sénat: Liens

The Links ('Liens') page on the website of the French Senate offers links to French legislation, the courts of France and jurisprudence, French local authorities, European law, political parties represented in the Senate, and international institutions. Among the legislation links are the full-text of the Constitution, the Journal Officiel and the consolidated texts of major legislation. The courts links include the Cour de Cassation, le Conseil d'Etat and the Cour des Comptes.


The website of the German Federal Administrative Court provides general information on the history, functions and procedure of the Court, including a table of allocation of business among its several chambers (Senates). It is now based in Leipzig. Press releases, giving summaries of individual decisions, are available in full-text from 1997. Access to these is by year and number (roughly chronological), with links from an entry in the table to the text itself. There is a page of links to the other German federal courts, and the administrative courts of the Länder.

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