
Drzavni Zbor (National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia)

The website of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia is available in both English and Slovenian. The English version provides information on the legislative procedure of the Republic and the committee structure of the Assembly. It also offers a link to the Slovenian Interactive Legal information system which aims to provide data on legislation and decisions of the Constitutional Court. This includes a biography of the president and details of current parliamentary business.

Knesset - The Parliament of Israel

The Knesset website contains information on the history and role of the parliament, as well as offering a list of its members and committees and an outline of how laws are made in Israel. It also allows provides official documents, including the Proclamation of Independence, the Rules of Procedure of the Knesset and peace process documents. Full versions and summaries of the Basic Laws are available, along with details of elections and other official events. The site can be viewed in English, Hebrew, Russian and Arabic.

Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly

The Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly is composed of representatives from the parliaments of the member nations. Its website contains information on the history and work of the Parliamentary Assembly, including monitoring of elections. Press releases are available and also the text of the Parliamentary Assembly's newsletter "The Europeans" from issue 1, 1997 onwards. Information is also provided on Committee meetings with timetables and the list of adopted texts from 1996. The information is available in English or French.

Sveriges Riksdag

Website of the Swedish parliament, which has some information in English, including translations of selected laws. Other English-language content includes information about the political parties and electoral system, descriptions of the role of women in Swedish politics and information about the relationship of Sweden with the EU. More detailed information is accessible in Swedish only; this includes parliamentary debates, bills going through the parliament, committee reports and the online catalogue of the parliamentary library.

Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)

The IPU is an international organisation of parliaments of sovereign states which acts to promote parliamentary democracy and provides a forum for worldwide parliamentary dialogue. Its website is available in French or English and includes information on the structure, purpose and activities of the IPU. The full-text of recent press releases from the organisation and the text of resolutions are accessible. Also available online is PARLIT, the IPU's searchable database of bibliographic references to books and articles relevant to the study of parliamentary law and practise.


Althingi is the name of the Icelandic parliament. Basic information is available in English and Danish, covering the nature and operation of the Icelandic parliamentary system. There is also a list of current members of parliament. More detailed information concerning parliamentary business and debates is offered in Icelandic only. The legislation of Iceland is also published here (in Icelandic), in the section entitled "Lagasafn".

Parliament of Namibia

Official website of the Namibian Parliament which is made up of the National Assembly and the National Council. The site provides history and background information to the government and legal system of Namibia. The functions of Parliament and an events calendar are given. There is a full-text copy of the Constitution and legislation from 1990 onwards can be viewed on the site in PDF.

Lietuvos Respublikos Seimas

This is the official Website of the Lithuanian Parliament. The English language version of the site provides access to information about the structure, function, history and recent activities of the parliament. It includes information on parliamentary committees and commissions, lists of current MPs, recent election results and details of the operation of the legislature. There are details of the Seimas activities relating to the European Union. Also accessible is the full-text of the Constitution and a database of Lithuanian and EU laws.

Croatian Parliament

Official Website of the Croatian Parliament. The site provides background, history and information on the role of Parliament in Croatia. There is a profile of the Speaker, details of parliamentary committees and a list of MPs. Key legislation is provided on the site in full-text in HTML and PDF. This includes a copy of the Constitution, legislation governing the Constitutional Court and the Parliament and the law concerning the rights of minorities. The site can be viewed in English or Croatian.

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