New Zealand

Council of Australasian Tribunals

Website of the Council of Australasian Tribunals (COAT) the umbrella body for Australian and New Zealand tribunals. The aim of COAT is to provide training and support for tribunals, provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and to develop best practice based on collective experience. The site has a copy of the COAT constitution and a selection of background papers. Details of executive members and forthcoming events are also provided. There is a page devoted to each chapter with contact details, events and other local information.

Advertising Standards Authority Inc. New Zealand

The website of the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) offers detailed information about self-regulatory principles and practice for the advertising industry in New Zealand. The site gives full-text access to "the Codes" as developed by the ASA, each code relating to a specific area of advertising activity. There is also a section on procedures to be followed when making a complaint to the Advertising Standards Complaints Board. Full text decisions made by the Board from 2000 onwards can be searched and browsed on the site.

New Zealand Privacy Commissioner

Website of the New Zealand Privacy Commissioner, an independent Crown entity established by the 1993 Privacy Act. The site provides information about the work of the Commissioner's Office and about the Privacy Act which is available (with amendments) in full-text in HTML. The site also has copies of annual reports, codes of practice and guidance for the public on making a complaint along with a selection of fact sheets issued by the Commissioner dealing with complaints he has investigated. There is also a collection of reports and submissions made by the Privacy Commissioner.

Auckland District Law Society

Website of the Auckland District Law Society (ADLS) the professional body representing barristers and solicitors practising in the Auckland area of New Zealand. There is background to the history, function and rules of the society (including the ADLS's regulatory role) along with information relating to the work of the various committees. A full text article provides an introduction to the New Zealand legal system. The site has a searchable directory of lawyers for the Auckland region and for New Zealand as a whole.

Courts of New Zealand

Official website of Courts of New Zealand, the body responsible for court administration in New Zealand. Includes a database of selected higher court judgments, called Judicial Decisions of Public Interest and mostly consisting of criminal cases and other judgments of public interest. The site also has information about the role, structure and history of the courts and explains the functions of the Judicial Committees and the Rules Committee. There is also information about the judiciary. Sections covering the individual courts provide legislation, daily lists and case summaries.

Access to New Zealand Law

A free online research guide focusing on New Zealand law and legal materials written by Margaret Greville who is the Law Librarian at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand. The guide was published in 2005 (and updated in 2014) on the Globalex Website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. Background information is given to the New Zealand Government and legal system along with sources of primary legal information including treaties, legislation and case law.

New Zealand legislation

New Zealand's legislation website, provided by the Parliamentary Counsel Office (PCO). The site makes available public, local and private acts, secondary legislation, bills and supplementary order papers. Since January 2014, authentic online versions of legislation have been available, including official updated texts of principal legislation (as against amending legislation) enacted or made since 1931, as well as other point-in-time versions. The site also has old provincial acts and imperial legislation. A glossary of legislative and other terminology is provided.

Maritime Law Association of Australia and New Zealand

Website of the Maritime Law Association of Australia and New Zealand (MLAANZ), a professional organisation whose members include lawyers, academics, ship owners, surveyors and insurers. The site provides information about the Association's history, activities, directors and committees. Some of the committees have produced reports which are available as PDF documents. There is a page of links to other maritime law associations and educational and governmental bodies related to maritime law. MLAANZ's constitution, journal and newsletter are available to download from the site.

Court of Appeal of New Zealand decisions

An NZLII (New Zealand Legal Information Institute) web database providing free public access to selected full text decisions from the New Zealand Court of Appeal. The service includes decisions released by the Court from 1978 onwards. Full database search options, case name search and browsing alphabetically by party name or by year are available. NZLII is a joint project of the University of Otago Faculty of Law, the Victoria University of Wellington Faculty of Law and the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII).

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