Military, Naval and Air Force Laws

Military Law and Peacekeeping Library (Australia)

An AustLII database providing access to Australian defence related legislation, regulations, case law, treaties and decisions of the Defence Force Discipline Appeal Tribunal. The project is supported by the Australian Department of Defence Legal Service. Other sections of the site include links to the international materials relating to military law made available by Worldlii and links to legal resources of a selection of other countries.

Military Law and Justice

Military Law and Justice is the Website of Philip D. Cave, an United States law firm specialising in military law. The site provides a guide to the rights of US military personnel and links to organisations concerned with military law and justice. There is a comprehensive collection of links to U.S military legal sites including specialist courts, administrative hearing bodies, law reviews and manuals dealing with military justice. The site also includes a bibliography of books and articles concerned with military law and links to external news stories

Iraq Military Law

List of online legal resources covering aspects of Iraq's military law, produced by Worldlii (World Legal Information Institute) a legal information portal. Includes links to all UN Security Council Resolutions, resources dealing with the legal issues surrounding an attack on Iraq, links to information about weapons inspections, Iraq military related websites and to United Nations Special Commissions websites like UNMOVIC and UNSCOM.

The Posse Comitatus Act: a resource guide

Feature article about the Posse Comitatus Act 1878, by Stephen Young, a law librarian at the Catholic University of America. The Act is a US statute which prohibits the use of the Army or Air Force to enforce the law. The article looks at the history of posse comitatus in English and American law and provides background information regarding the application of the Act in the United States. It includes a bibliography of statutes, congressional documents, regulations, landmark judicial decisions and secondary sources.


Priv-War was a collaborative project by seven European academic institutions, including the University of Sheffield in the UK, which ran from 2008 to 2011. It was coordinated and hosted by the European University Institute in Italy. The aim of Priv-War was to look at the use of private military companies and security companies in situations of armed conflict and examine national and international regulatory frameworks. The website provides the final recommendations of the Priv-War project, together with press releases and two reports produced during the project.

Law of War Deskbook

The Law of War Deskbook is published by the International and Operational Law Department of The Judge Advocate General's Legal Center and School in the United States. This edition was published in January 2011 and is made freely available in full text (PDF) on the Library of Congress website. The Deskbook is intended to be used as a teaching tool covering the international and operational law subjects taught to military judge advocates. There are chapters providing an introduction to public international law and looking at the history and framework of the law of war.

Military law resources

This Library of Congress web page provides a selection of legal materials held by the United States Army Judge Advocate General's Legal Center and School Library. It includes primary source materials and publications in the field of military law. There is a series of Army Lawyer pamphlets available back to 1971, and complete issues of the Military Law Review journal.

Edmund M. Morgan Papers on the drafting of the Uniform Code of Military Justice

This Harvard Law School Library collection contains digitised versions of 6,664 papers donated by Harvard Law School Professor Edmund M. Morgan, who was chair of the United States Committee on a Uniform Code of Military Justice (CUCMJ) in 1948. The Code replaced the separate codes that had previously existed for the Army and Navy.

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