International Treaties

Antarctic Treaty Secretariat

The Antarctic Treaty Secretariat is based in Buenos Aires and is responsible for providing information about the Antarctic Treaty system and support for the annual Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM). The site has documents, related agreements and information relevant to the Antarctic Treaty including the text of the original Treaty, the Environment Protocol and details of Parties to the Treaty. There is also information and documentation relating to the Committee for Environmental Protection (CEP) and to ATCM meetings.

Antarctic Treaty Database

Website of the Antarctic Treaty Database made freely available online by the Antarctic Treaty Secretariat in Buenos Aires. This searchable database provides access to the text of measures adopted by the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM) including all recommendations, measures, decisions and resolutions from 1961 onwards. Users can search or browse documents by meeting, category and topic. Categories include environmental protection, marine pollution, monuments, scientific cooperation and tourism. These categories can be broken down into more detailed topic headings.

United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law: Historic Archives

Website of the Historic Archives section of the United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law. The Library is a free online multimedia resource of the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs. The Historic Archives collection focuses on key legal instruments covering a wide range of international law topics including criminal law, disarmament, environmental law, human rights, international economic law, law of outer space and the law of the sea.

Yearbook of the United Nations

The Yearbook of the United Nations records the work of the United Nations, covering all areas of its responsibility. Each Yearbook lists all major General Assembly, Security Council and Economic and Social Council resolutions. It also contains information on major UN decisions, lists of key personnel and appointments, details of budgets and key UN reforms. The website provides all volumes, 1946-2006. A single volume can be selected from a drop-down menu. There is also a search facility which can search either the entire series or shorter date-ranges.

Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office: treaties

The UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office's treaty pages, including the treaty database UK Treaties Online, treaties that have been signed by the UK but not yet been ratified (or equivalent)  and information about multilateral treaties deposited with the FCDO. Guidance on UK treaty practice and procedure is also available, together with contact details for the FCDO Treaty Section's enquiry service.

International trademark law: the Madrid System

Guide to the Madrid System for the International Registration of Marks, by Vicenç Feliú, Associate Dean for Library Services and Professor of Law at Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad College of Law. Published on New York University's Globalex website and updated periodically, it explains registration of trademarks under the Madrid System, which is based on the Madrid Agreement and Madrid Protocol.

International agreements

Collection of international agreements entered into by the EU. Part of the EUR-Lex database. it comprises bilateral and multilateral treaty texts, with information about their validity and dates of effect, and links to related documents. It can be browsed by policy area - under 'Directory of international agreements' - or searched. The collection does not include the founding treaties, nor other fundamental treaties: these are found in the separate 'Treaties' collection on EUR-Lex. EUR-Lex is available in all the official languages of the EU.

Research guide on transboundary freshwater treaties and other resources

Online guide to international agreements dealing with fresh water written by retired US research librarian Arundhati A. Satkalmi. The guide was published in 2007 (and updated in 2023) on the Globalex website, which is run by the Hauser Global Law School Program at New York University. The author gives an introduction to the subject and includes links to major agreements, collections of water treaties, international organisations, international water commissions and to individual articles, bibliographies and judgments.

Basic Primary and Secondary Information Online Sources for the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the United States Central American Free Trade Agreement-Dominican Republic (CAFTA-DR) Research

Online guide to researching NAFTA and CAFTA-DR written by retired law librarian Francisco A. Avalos and Maureen Garmon, Faculty Services Librarian at Rogers College of Law, University of Arizona. Published on New York University's Globalex website, the guide covers the principal agreements, related agreements, NAFTA and CAFTA institutions, channels for the settlement of disputes and implementation acts. Links are given to other research guides, government websites, newsletters, journals and reports.

Guide to research on Vienna Convention on Consular Relations Notification Requirements

Online guide to the notification requirements of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations written by Barbara H. Bean who is a Reference and Public Services Librarian at Michigan State University College of Law. The guide was published in 2006 and updated in 2023 by Cindy G. Buys who is Professor and Director of International Law Programs at Southern Illinois University School of Law. The guide is published on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law.

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