International Criminal Law and War Crimes


Transcrime, the Research Centre on Transnational Crime, is based in the Department of Law at the University of Trento in Italy.  Its website gives an overview of the Centre's projects. The Publications page provides some titles in full and others with abstracts only. The site, including the publications, is in both English and Italian.

Law Reports of Trials of War Criminals

This Library of Congress web page provides access to the 15 volume collection of the Law Reports of Trials of War Criminals selected and prepared by the United Nations War Crimes Commission. The trials took place between 1947 and 1949. This collection has representative cases featuring lower-ranking military officers and concentration camp administrators who were tried for war crimes and does not include the trials of most prominent Japanese and Nazi leaders that took place in Nuremberg and Tokyo.

Victims' Rights Working Group

Website of the Victims' Rights Working Group (VRWG), a network of over 300 national and international civil society groups and experts working to protect the rights of victims who are involved in cases before the International Criminal Court (ICC). The site provides information about the VRWG, including a copy of the strategic plan and links to organisations affiliated to VRWG. Information and documentation on the rights of victims is also provided including links to legislation, forms, cases and other relevant documents.

ICC Legal Tools

ICC Legal Tools is a web database providing information and commentary about international criminal law. Developed by the Legal Advisory Section (LAS) of the Office of the Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court (ICC), it is aimed at all those dealing with international war crimes cases.

Trial International

Trial International is an organisation, based in Switzerland, whose aim is to "fight against impunity for the perpetrators accomplices and instigators of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and acts of torture." Trial International are involved with cases concerning these types of crimes and there is background information and news stories relating to these cases. The organisation's reports can be downloaded in full and there are profiles of the countries Trial International works with. The site is available in English and French.

Creation and First Trials of the Supreme Iraqi Criminal Tribunal

Briefing paper on the Supreme Iraqi Criminal Tribunal (SICT) produced by the International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ) in the United States and made freely available on the ICTJ website. The paper was published in October 2005 and provides background information on the establishment of the tribunal and on the crimes of the former Iraqi regime being tried by the court. There are also sections covering the jurisdiction of the tribunal, the procedures governing trials, the composition of the court and its administration.

War Crimes Research Office

Website of the War Crimes Research Office (WCRO) at the American University Washington College of Law. The WCRO specialises in international criminal and humanitarian law providing expert assistance and conducting research for international courts and tribunals. The site has information on the following international courts: the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR); the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC); the International Criminal Court (ICC); the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the Special Court for Sierra Leone.

International Association of Genocide Scholars

Website of the International Association of Genocide Scholars (IAGS) an interdisciplinary, research organisation whose central aim is to "draw academics, activists, artists, genocide survivors, journalists, jurists, public policy makers, and other colleagues into the interdisciplinary study of genocide, with the goal of prevention." The site has details of conferences and other events and a downloadable newsletter. There is information on the IAGS journal, Genocide Studies and Prevention, and other books and publications on genocide.

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