Financial Law

Securities Class Action Clearinghouse

The Securities Class Action Clearinghouse website is produced by Stanford Law School in association with Cornerstone Research, a business litigation consultancy. The site provides "detailed information relating to the prosecution, defense, and settlement of federal class action securities fraud litigation". There is an index of filings presented with case summaries which can be browsed chronologically or by company name. Decisions are arranged alphabetically by company.

Compliance Online

Compliance Online is a subscription website providing information on banking, insurance, governance, financial crime and international affairs. The site includes news, comment and analysis and in-depth articles. Links are given to FSA (Financial Services Authority) papers, consultation documents and policy statements. The compliance timeline gives details of and links to UK, EU and international legal and regulatory documents covering each subject.

British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission Legislation Library

British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission (BVI-FSC) website provides access to full-text legislation dealing with banking, finance, business, insurance and money laundering issues. The legislation can be browsed or searched using the site search engine. It is also possible to specify which division the legislation relates to such as banking and fiduciary, shipping, insurance or investment. Legislation is presented in full-text in PDF format.

Pensions Ombudsman

The Pensions Ombudsman investigates and decides complaints and disputes relating to the running of pension schemes in the UK. The site provides information on who can bring a complaint, the sort of pension schemes included and time limits for bringing complaints. Annual reports, application forms and guidance notes can be downloaded from the site and details of related bodies are also included. Determinations of the Ombudsman are available in full back to 2001 and can be searched by keyword or date.

The IBA International Anti-Money Laundering Forum: the Lawyer's Guide to Legislation and Compliance

This International Bar Association (IBA) website is a discussion forum and source of information for lawyers working in the anti-money laundering field. It provides an introduction to the subject of anti-money laundering, together with outlines of anti-money laundering regimes worldwide. There is an implementation chart for the EU's Third Money Laundering Directive (2005/60/EC) and another chart shows which countries of the world have anti-money laundering legislation applying to lawyers. The Reading Room section provides articles, news, book reviews and other information.


The briefings are expert commentory on a variety of current affairs and cases concerning all sectors in which the host firm (Farrer & Co) are involed. Going back to 2007, these briefings can be filtered by date, theme and intended audience.

Joint Money Laundering Steering Group

Website of the Joint Money Laundering Steering Group (JMLSG), which is hosted by the British Bankers' Association. Membership of the JMLSG is drawn from associations working within the financial services industry and its stated aim is to "promulgate good practice in countering money laundering and to give practical assistance in interpreting the UK Money Laundering Regulations". The organisation produces guidance notes to help the financial sector interpret money laundering legislation and regulations.

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