Constitutional Law

Country based search engines

Directory of internet search engines that cover the websites of individual countries. Also includes search engines that cover a specific region within a country and search engines that cover supra-national regions such as the Middle East, the Baltic and Europe. The directory is provided by Phil Bradley, a UK IT consultant

Constitution Finder

A global directory of constitutions on the web, provided by the School of Law at the University of Richmond in the United States. Consists of an alphabetical list of countries, with links to their constitutions; both current and historical constitutions are included. Most are available in English translation, but a few are only in other languages.

Supreme Court of Ireland

The website of the Supreme Court of Ireland provides information about the Court and about the Irish legal system generally. It makes available the ordinary judgments of the Court from 2001 onwards, and decisions on Article 26 references (parliamentary bills referred to the Court under Art. 26 of the Constitution) from 1940 onwards. The site also includes the Constitution of Ireland and a short bibliography of Irish constitutional law. It can be viewed in English or Irish; there are also general information pages in French and German.

Constitution Unit Blog

Website of the UCL Constitution Unit's blog. The Constitution Unit is a research centre whose work focuses on constitutional change. There are posts covering various aspects of constitutional law including parliament, elections and referendums, parties and politicians, judiciary and human rights and monarchy, church and state. Constitution Unit reports, details of current research, and other information about the Unit can be accessed from this page.

Gammel's The Laws of Texas 1822-1897

Digitised version Gammel's 'The Laws of Texas', provided by the Government Documents Department of the University of North Texas Libraries. Gammel's work is a compilation of the laws of the US State of Texas from 1822 to 1897, including early colonisation laws, constitutions, congressional sessions, legislative sessions and select journals. The site has been designed to replicate a traditional page-by-page reading experience and includes a digitised version of the original Analytical Index, which is arranged alphabetically.

European Commission for Democracy through Law

The European Commission for Democracy through Law, known as the Venice Commission, is a Council of Europe body that was established in 1990. Originally set up to assist Eastern European countries in the re-engineering of their constitutions, it now monitors and provides assistance to countries all around the world and has more than 60 member states. The website outlines the Commission's activities, which include providing advice and training to individual states on constitutional matters, elections and referendums and constitutional justice.

H-Law discussion network

Section of the H-Net electronic discussion list and directory dedicated to legal issues. The service is sponsored by the American Society for Legal History with editorial work on the Law list undertaken at San Francisco State University. The site posts material furthering scholarly, intellectual and professional dialogue on legal history and constitutional issues. Discussion logs can be viewed by author, subject and date and discussion threads are arranged by topic including aboriginal law, copyright, juries, legal historiography, the Holocaust and slavery.

Landmark Judicial Legislation

A collection of key acts establishing and developing the structure of the judiciary and the authority of the Federal Courts in the United States of America. The site has been compiled by the Federal Judicial History Office at the Federal Judicial Center in Washington DC. A browse screen presents a timeline listing of the legislative measures with links to the relevant documents made freely available in HTML format. Materials include article III from the US Constitution and 21 statutes of historical significance. The online texts are taken as published from United States Statutes at Large.

Witryna Trybunalu Konstytucyjnego

Website of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal, available in Polish and English versions. The site of the provides judgments and cases lists, together with the text of the Polish Constitution and the Constitutional Tribunal Act. In addition, it provides information about the history of the Constitutional Tribunal, its organisation, its role, and its position in the system of government.

Constitution of Sweden

English-language versions of the fundamental constitutional laws of Sweden, as presented on the website of the Riksdag, the Swedish Parliament. The constitutional documents presented are the Instrument of Government, the Act of Succession, the Freedom of the Press Act, Fundamental Law on Freedom of Expression, and the Riksdag Act. The process of amending the fundamental laws of Sweden is also outlined.

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