Competition Law

New Horizons: Resources for International Competition Law Research

Online guide to international competition law resources written by Jean M. Wenger, Government Documents/Foreign & International Law Librarian at the Cook County Law Library in Chicago.The guide was published on the features page of in March 2005 and covers key online and printed resources relating to international competition law. There is background information and links to international and regional competition organisations and to key documents and materials produced by these bodies.

Scottish Competition Law Forum

The Scottish Competition Law Forum (SCLF) is an online discussion site whose aim is to encourage debate on competition law and policy in Scotland. The SCLF was established by Gordon Downie a partner in commercial law firm, Shepherd and Wedderburn. Users of the site are required to register before they can post or reply to messages.

Global Competition Law Centre

The Global Competition Law Centre (GCLC) is a research centre at the College of Europe in Belgium. Its aim is to analyse EU competition policy and to provide a discussion forum for academics and practitioners in the field. The site gives background information about the GCLC and its work, including conferences and other events. GCLC working papers are on the site in full text from 2004 onwards and presentations and papers are available from many past events.

Competition Law Review

The Competition Law Review is a refereed online journal produced by the Competition Law Scholars Forum (CLaSF) and made freely available on their website (in PDF). The journal is published twice a year and contains scholarly articles focused on modern competition law. Each issue reflects the content of workshops organised by CLaSF. The first issue dates from August 2004. The site also has information on the journal's editorial and refereeing policy, the names of the current Editorial Board and details of an email alerting service.

Competition Tribunal South Africa

Website of the South African Competition Tribunal an independent body that adjudicates on competition matters such as restrictive practices, abuse of dominance and mergers. The Tribunal also hears appeals against decisions taken by the Competition Commission. The site includes a copy of the Competition Act and related legislation, a copy of the Tribunal rules and information about the functions and procedures of the Tribunal. Decisions of the Tribunal and of the Competition Appeal Court are available on the site in full-text along with selected decisions of the High Court.

Competition Commission of South Africa

The Competition Commission is a statutory body of the South African Government whose role is to "investigate, control and evaluate restrictive business practices, abuse of dominant positions and mergers in order to achieve equity and efficiency in the South African economy." The site gives background information to competition policy in South Africa and the work of the Commission. Procedural information is given on the different aspects of the Commission's work including mergers and acquisitions, prohibited practices, exemptions and advisory opinions.

Gazdasági Versenyhivatal

This is the official website of Gazdasági Versenyhivatal (GVH), the Hungarian authority that is " ... responsible for the supervision of competition ... " in Hungary. The website outlines the purpose of the authority and lists its organisational structure. It includes a section on competition rules applicable to the Hungarian and European Community markets, and other related acts such as business, advertising, and communication. The site contains the decisions brought by the competition council dating back to 1997.

Competition Appeal Tribunal

Website of the United Kingdom Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT) a specialist judicial body whose function "is to hear and decide appeals and other applications or claims involving competition or economic regulatory issues". The site provides details of the Tribunal's current and archived cases. There is a brief description of what stage the case is currently at along with the associated documents such as the notice of application and transcript of public hearing. There is also a section bringing together all the judgements handed down by the CAT.

American Antitrust Institute

Website of the American Antitrust Institute (AAI) a non-profit research and advocacy organisation, founded in 1998, whose aim is " to increase the role of competition, assure that competition is fair, and challenge unduly concentrated power in the American and world economy". The AAI website provides information about the activities of the Institute with the most recent activities on its home page and older items (back to 1998) in the 'Archives' section.

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