Alternative Dispute Resolution

Commercial arbitration and other alternative dispute resolution methods

Collection of national laws and other information relating to commercial arbitration and alternative dispute resolution methods, on the website of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). The collection covers countries in North, Central and South America and the Caribbean. It includes the texts of national laws and guidelines. For some countries, a document called "Responses to Arbitration Questionnaire" is available, giving an overview of the arbitration law for that country and saying to which relevant conventions it is a party.

Update to international commercial arbitration: locating the resources

A bibliographic resource guide presenting commentary and links to legal information sources for International Commercial Arbitration. The guide has been prepared by Jean M. Wenger, the Government Documents and Foreign and International Law Librarian at Cook County Law Library, Chicago, USA. The guide helps locate useful literature and resources; online library catalogues and bibliographies; specialist journals; online subscription services; and selected free web-based materials.

International Council for Commercial Arbitration

Website of the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA), an international NGO concerned with the promotion of arbitration, conciliation and other methods of resolving international commercial disputes. The ICCA contributes to preparation of the Arbitration Rules of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, the UNCITRAL Conciliation Rules, and the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration. The main publication of the ICCA is the Yearbook Commercial Arbitration; contents lists and indexes from the Yearbook are available on the website.

Arbitral Women

Website of Arbitral Women, a membership organisation for women working in arbitration and alternative dispute resolution. Members are based in over 30 countries. Contact details and profiles of members are available in an online directory which can be searched or browsed. The "Find a Practitioner" facility enables users to search for members using more detailed criteria including practice area, type of practitioner, country of residence, language etc.

Alternative dispute resolution in Pakistan

Guide to alternative dispute resolution in Pakistan written by Salman Ravala, JD (Syracuse University, New York) and updated by Farah Khan in 2023. The guide is published on the GlobaLex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The author provides background information about Pakistan, highlighting legal sources relevant to ADR, including the Constitution, treaties and national laws.

Civil Mediation Council

The Civil Mediation Council (CMC) is membership organisation for mediators in the UK. Its website has details of its officers and committees and provides news and a directory of mediation providers, together with information about mediator training and descriptions of workplace mediation, family mediation, civil and commercial mediation, community mediation and education mediation. The members' area of the site requires a login.

Indian Institute of Arbitration and Mediation

The Indian Institute of Arbitration and Mediation (IIAM) is a not-for-profit organisation providing alternative dispute resolution services, including negotiation, mediation, conciliation, arbitration and settlement conferences. Its website has information on the different services and the way they work in India, with suggested clauses and downloadable forms. Details are given of the Advisory Board and the Governing Body, along with information on IIAM's training courses and events. 

Industrial Arbitration Court

Website of the Industrial Arbitration Court of Singapore. Provides historical background information about the court and makes available its annual reports. There are details of the court's procedures, covering arbitration, certification of collective agreements and variation of collective agreements. The Resources section includes forms, a collective agreement checklist, a sample collective agreement, a list of forthcoming hearings, links to the Singapore Industrial Relations Act and Employment Act, and a database of awards from 2000 onwards.

Collaborative Law Institute of Minnesota

The Collaborative Law Institute of Minnesota is a non-profit organisation for legal, financial other specialists providing a collaborative approach to family law disputes. Its website explains what collaborative law is, outlines the roles of different collaborative law professionals and gives details of the services offered by the institute. There is a divorce information pack, a set of links to organisations dealing with domestic violence, and a list of recommended reading - for adults, children and teenagers - on the subject of divorce.

Human Law

Human Law (formerly Human Law Mediation) is the blog of UK solicitor and commercial mediator, Justin Patten. Established in 2002, it focuses on employment law and mediation and includes posts on subjects such as dispute resolution, litigation, workplace conflict and personal injury. Users may sign up to receive email updates.

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