Alternative Dispute Resolution

Directory of Arbitration Links and Arbitration Resources Online

Online version of a resource directory listing sources relating to commercial arbitration in the context of private international law, freely presented on the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA) website. The Directory is organised in sections offering links to online resources such as: Treaties and Conventions; National Arbitration Laws; International, National and Regional Arbitral and ADR Institutions; Other Organisations, and Arbitration Resources Online. The Directory was originally compiled for print publication in the Yearbook Commercial Arbitration by Rosabel E.

Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution

The Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR) was established in 1990 and is based in London. It provides legal mediation and arbitration, consultancy and training services to firms, and cases are also referred from outside organisations and the courts. The site gives full details of the services available and procedures for application. There is background information on dispute resolution services including adjudication, arbitration, early neutral intervention, expert determination and mediation.

Consensus Mediation

Consensus Mediation is a commercial company specialising in mediation, a form of alternative dispute resolution. The website contains information on the services offered by the firm and profiles of mediators. There is information on how mediation works, tips for lawyers, an essential mediation checklist and a collection of articles about mediation and other ADR topics. A selection of FAQs and a glossary of terms are also provided.

Workplace Relations Commission

The Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) is an independent statutory body whose role is to provide a workplace relations service and employment rights framework for employers and employees in Ireland. The WRC provides services to employers and employees relating to good working practices assisting and advising organisations on all aspects of industrial relations in the workplace. WRC services cover adjudication, mediation, conciliation and advice. They also carry out investigations to ensure compliance with equality and employment-related legislation.

ADR now

ADR now is a website provided by the Advice Services Alliance, the umbrella body for independent advice services in the UK. The site provides practical information on the different types of ADR (alternative dispute resolution) services including arbitration, conciliation, mediation and ombudsmen. Each section looks at how the process works, when it is used and an idea of the likely costs. The site looks at how ADR can be used for problems arising in particular areas such as benefits, employment, education, health and social care and money and tax.

Society of Maritime Arbitrators

Website of the Society of Maritime Arbitrators (SMA) an organisation based in the United States whose aim is to promote alternate dispute resolution (ADR) in the maritime industry. The site provides access to SMA rules, profiles of members and its code of ethics. There is a copy of the United States Federal Arbitration Act and a guide to maritime arbitration in New York. The SMA's newsletter is made available in full-text online in HTML or PDF format. This contains legal news and summaries of recent decisions and awards.

A selective guide to online international arbitration resources

Online guide to arbitration organisations and databases written by Gloria Miccioli who is International Librarian at law firm Jones Day in the United States. The guide was published on the features page of in June 2004. There is background information to the arbitration process, guidance to carrying out arbitration research and finding arbitral awards.

International Lawyers Network

The International Lawyers Network (ILN) has members in more than 60 countries, with expertise in areas such as corporate and commercial law, securities law, taxation, commercial litigation and employment law. The site provides details of members, the ILN bulletin and guides to doing business in Switzerland, Canada, Australia, Singapore, France, Lithuania and Argentina.

National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council

Website of the National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council of Australia whose role is to advise "the Commonwealth Attorney-General on the development of high quality, economic and efficient ways of resolving disputes without the need for a judicial decision". There is background information about NADRAC including workplans, annual reports and a copy of NADRAC's charter which are all available to download in a variety of formats. A selection of free resources explaining the ADR process are also available along with statistics on ADR in Australia.

Fox Williams

Website of London based law firm Fox Williams. The site has information about the work of the company and staff profiles. The selection of newsletters and briefings reflect the firm's practice areas covering aspects of commerce and technology, dispute resolution and employment law. Fox Williams in-house publications can be purchased on the site. A range of micro sites focusing on human resources law, fashion law and commercial agents can be accessed from the home page.

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