Refugee Law Reader: Cases, Documents and Materials


The Refugee Law Reader is described as being an "online model curriculum for the study of the complex and rapidly evolving field of international refugee law." The site is aimed at the academic and legal profession and is hosted by the Hungarian Helsinki Committee. It was originally devised to support the work of the Legal Assistance through Refugee Clinics (LARC) project. The reader has sections covering historical and background information to refugee law and population movements, the international and European framework for refugee protection and the role and documentation of key organisations such as the UNHCR. These sections include full-text laws, cases and commentary. Free registration is required to access full-text materials on the site and certain documents are restricted to academic users. The site also includes a search engine, help page and an inventory of documents available in the reader. The site currently presents the 2008 edition of the Refugee Law Reader.

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