Trinidad and Tobago law and legal research


Online guide to the law and legal materials of Trinidad and Tobago written by Vincent Moyer, Foreign, Comparative and International Law Librarian at the University of California Hastings College of the Law and Catherine A. Deane, Reference/Foreign & International Law Librarian at the Alyne Queener Massey Law Library at Vanderbilt University. The guide, last updated in 2024, is on the Globalex website, a free service provided by the Hauser Global Law School Program at New York University School of Law. It provides background and historical information and links to sites offering profiles of Trinidad and Tobago. There are sections outlining the structure of government including information on the executive, legislative and judicial branches, with links to related resources. The authors supply links to sites providing Trinidad and Tobago legislation, parliamentary proceedings and law reports. There is a section on the Court Library Services Unit and on the Constitution. Details of printed legal materials and links to free and subscription legal information resources, covering legal education, resource guides, government and statistical information, are also given.

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