Online guide to the legal system and legal materials of Angola written by Dunia P. Zongwe who is an author and academic and Nélia Daniel Dias who is a law lecturer in Angola. The guide was published in 2007 (and updated in 2022) on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. The guide gives background and historical information on the Republic of Angola. There is an introduction to Angola's legal system with sections on the Constitution, the role of the President, the National Assembly and the courts. Contact details and links to the websites of the various ministries are given along with links to the websites of Angola's provincial governments. The author provides information on Angolaãs primary and secondary legal sources including a bibliography of books in Portuguese and in English about Angola. Links are given to legal resources where available.
Republic of Angola legal system and research
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