The Cour de cassation is the highest court in France, with jurisdiction to review decisions arising from lower criminal and civil courts. It deals with questions of law and the application of law, not questions of fact. Its website provides a database of cases from 1947 onwards, together with background information about the court. English translations of some recent judgments are available on the 'International' page. The site also includes the monthly newsletters of the criminal chamber and civil chambers (2008 onwards), the court's annual report (2003 onwards), commentary on selected decisions ('Les lettres de chambres'), and a collection of videoed symposiums. Databases of accredited experts are available, together with information about the Prosecutor General's office, appeals, legal aid and other matters. The site is in French, but there is a limited English version that includes an introduction to the court, news items and selected judgments.
Cour de Cassation
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