FLAG Origins Notes on Updating the Database

Comprehensive reviews and updates of the FLAG database were made in 2004, 2007 and 2010.

Click here for a report by Dr Peter Clinch describing the updating in 2010.

Similar methodology was employed in 2007.

Click here for an article by Dr Peter Clinch describing the approach to updating in 2004.

Active collections read 'Active as at ....' either 2001 or 2004 or 2007 or 2010 depending on the date of the latest information to hand.

Please note that : where a collection status is shown as "active at 2001" or "active at 2004" or "active at 2007", this is because the institution holding that material did not make a return for the updating exercise carried out in 2004 or 2007 or 2010 respectively.

The original development of FLAG was financed by the Research Support Libraries Programme