Diário da República
Currently issued in two series:
Series 1. Legislation
Series 2. Administrative Actions
Series 3. Official notices
Currently issued in two series:
Series 1. Legislation
Series 2. Administrative Actions
Series 3. Official notices
Currently issued in two series:
Series 1. Legislation
Series 2. Administrative Actions
Series 3. Official notices
Issued in several parts
Gazettes of the World War II Government in Exile, issued in London
Primary official source of legislation in which statutes and decrees are published.
The official legal gazette and the official organ of the National Assembly. Publishes all statutes, decrees and notices required by law to be published and includes annual budgets and development plans. Indexes: Annual cumulative index in last issue of each volume arranged by subject and government agency. Cumulative index Spravochnik po zakonodatelstvoto na Narodna Republika Bulgariia, 1944-1981 g. / G.N. Iolova, L.A. Kiskinova. Sofia, 1982 available at British Library press mark X.200/39955
The official legal gazette and the official organ of the National Assembly. Publishes all statutes, decrees and notices required by law to be published and includes annual budgets and development plans. Indexes: Annual cumulative index in last issue of each volume arranged by subject and government agency. Cumulative index Spravochnik po zakonodatelstvoto na Narodna Republika Bulgariia, 1944-1981 g. / G.N. Iolova, L.A. Kiskinova. Sofia, 1982 available at British Library press mark X.200/39955
In Poland there are two official gazettes: Dziennik ustaw Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej and Monitor Polski. Monitor Polski includes full texts of resolutions of the Sejm; proclamations and orders of the President; resolutions of the Presidium of the government, the Council of State and the Council of Ministers; orders, decisions, regulations, instructions and announcements of the supreme government authorities and central government offices. Annual alphabetical index
Publishes new laws and administrative regulations