British Library
Diário da República
To 1935 all series were shelved together at the British Library. From 1936 1a Série, which contains the laws, continued to be shelved at OGP. 120. Other series were shelved separately
Diário da República
To 1935 all series were shelved together at the British Library. From 1936 1a Série, which contains the laws, continued to be shelved at OGP. 120. Other series were shelved separately
Diário da República
To 1935 all series were shelved together at the British Library. From 1936 1a Série, which contains the laws, continued to be shelved at OGP. 120. Other series were shelved separately
Diário da República
To 1935 all series were shelved together at the British Library. From 1936 1a Série, which contains the laws, continued to be shelved at OGP. 120. Other series were shelved separately
Diário da República
Currently issued in two series:
Series 1. Legislation
Series 2. Administrative Actions
Series 3. Official notices
Diário da República
Currently issued in two series:
Series 1. Legislation
Series 2. Administrative Actions
Series 3. Official notices
Diário da República
Currently issued in two series:
Series 1. Legislation
Series 2. Administrative Actions
Series 3. Official notices
Diário da República
Currently issued in two series:
Series 1. Legislation
Series 2. Administrative Actions
Series 3. Official notices