Zbor ukazau Prezidenta i Kabineta Ministrau Respubliki Belarus'
Collection of decrees issued by the President and Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus. Includes executive regulations and other acts issued by the national Government.
Zbor ukazau Prezidenta i Kabineta Ministrau Respubliki Belarus'
Collection of decrees issued by the President and Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus. Includes executive regulations and other acts issued by the national Government.
Natsional'nyi reestr pravovykh aktov Respubliki Belarus'
National register of the legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus.
Published three times per week.
Narodne novine: Službeni list Republike Hrvatske
The official legal gazette and the official organ of the National Assembly. Contains laws, legislation, acts and statutes which have the force of law and other notices required by law to be published.
Narodne novine: Službeni list Republike Hrvatske
The official legal gazette and the official organ of the National Assembly. Contains laws, legislation, acts and statutes which have the force of law and other notices required by law to be published.
Narodne novine: Službeni list Republike Hrvatske
The official legal gazette and the official organ of the National Assembly. Contains laws, legislation, acts and statutes which have the force of law and other notices required by law to be published.