Staatsblad van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden
Primary official source of legislation in which statutes and decrees are published.
Staatsblad van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden
Primary official source of legislation in which statutes and decrees are published.
Staatsblad van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden
Primary official source of legislation in which statutes and decrees are published.
Durzhaven vestnik: ofitsialno pechatno izdanie na Republika Bulgaria
The official legal gazette and the official organ of the National Assembly. Publishes all statutes, decrees and notices required by law to be published and includes annual budgets and development plans. Indexes: Annual cumulative index in last issue of each volume arranged by subject and government agency. Cumulative index Spravochnik po zakonodatelstvoto na Narodna Republika Bulgariia, 1944-1981 g. / G.N. Iolova, L.A. Kiskinova. Sofia, 1982 available at British Library press mark X.200/39955
Durzhaven vestnik: ofitsialno pechatno izdanie na Republika Bulgaria
The official legal gazette and the official organ of the National Assembly. Publishes all statutes, decrees and notices required by law to be published and includes annual budgets and development plans. Indexes: Annual cumulative index in last issue of each volume arranged by subject and government agency. Cumulative index Spravochnik po zakonodatelstvoto na Narodna Republika Bulgariia, 1944-1981 g. / G.N. Iolova, L.A. Kiskinova. Sofia, 1982 available at British Library press mark X.200/39955
Durzhaven vestnik: ofitsialno pechatno izdanie na Republika Bulgaria
The official legal gazette and the official organ of the National Assembly. Publishes all statutes, decrees and notices required by law to be published and includes annual budgets and development plans. Indexes: Annual cumulative index in last issue of each volume arranged by subject and government agency. Cumulative index Spravochnik po zakonodatelstvoto na Narodna Republika Bulgariia, 1944-1981 g. / G.N. Iolova, L.A. Kiskinova. Sofia, 1982 available at British Library press mark X.200/39955
Durzhaven vestnik: ofitsialno pechatno izdanie na Republika Bulgaria
The official legal gazette and the official organ of the National Assembly. Publishes all statutes, decrees and notices required by law to be published and includes annual budgets and development plans. Indexes: Annual cumulative index in last issue of each volume arranged by subject and government agency. Cumulative index Spravochnik po zakonodatelstvoto na Narodna Republika Bulgariia, 1944-1981 g. / G.N. Iolova, L.A. Kiskinova. Sofia, 1982 available at British Library press mark X.200/39955