Joint Nature Conservation Committee

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The Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) is the forum through which the four British country nature conservation agencies (Council for Nature Conservation and the Countryside, The Countryside Council for Wales, Natrual England and Scottish Natural Heritage) deliver their national and international responsibilities. These responsibilities include: sustaining and enriching biological diversity; enhancing geological features; and sustaining natural systems. JNCC's work is split into two broad categories, namely, advisory and project-based. As an advisory body the JNCC contributes to the setting of common standards relating to both domestic and worldwide nature conservation and facilitates the UK's compliance with various international agreements, such as: the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) and the European Union's Habitat Directive and Birds Directive. Amongst the JNCC's main projects are: the Geological Conservation Review; the Marine Nature Conservation Review; the Seabirds and Cetaceans Project. The web page also includes pages on Conventions and Legislation giving comment on the key legislative background to nature conservation in Britain; and pages on surveillance and monitoring methodology. There are details of the JNCC's publications and current information on job opportunities, and news items. Links are provided to both British and international sites on related topics.

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