Gabonese legal system and legal research


Guide to the legal system of Gabon written by Ernest Folefack of the University of Dschang, Cameroon, updated by Dr. Alexis Essono Ovono and Steevens Nze-Mezuie. Published in French on New York University's Globalex website, it covers the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government and outlines the legal system which is based on French civil law principles. The guide has information about the civil code, other codes and the official gazette, the Journal officiel de la République du Gabon. There are sections covering the regional economic/monetary and business law organisations, CEMAC (Communauté économique et monétaire e l'afrique centrale) and OHADA (L'organisation pour l'harmonisation en afrique du droit des affaires). There is also information on treaties and the legal profession and legal education in Gabon. Links are given to law sites and there is a short bibliography concerning Gabonese law, politics and administration.

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